Chapter 00

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#NY00 Chapter 00

"Are you free this weekend?"


"Hear me out first, Kelsey—"

I put down the utensils and wiped the side of my tongue. I heaved a deep breath as I looked at her. "I found a nice apartment—"

"What?" Mom asked, looking at Dad like she was asking for a back-up. Like I was about to fight her.

"It's a nice 2-bedroom apartment and it's near Sammie's school and—"

"What's wrong with our house?" Mom asked, sounding really defensive.

"Nothing, Mom," I replied. "I just thought that it's time for us to... be independent."

It's been years since we moved back into my parents' house. It just made a lot of sense before. I was used to having Sean around to help me... then he was just gone.

Suddenly, I was a single mother.

And as much as I wanted to tell myself that I could do this alone, that I could handle everything alone, I knew that I'd just be lying to myself and that I'd need all the help I could get.

So, Sammie and I moved in.

But it's been years.

"Independent?" Mom said, repeating the word like it was a bad thing. "We're very happy to have you and Sammie here in our house, Kelsey baby."

I groaned. "Mom," I said. "I'm 33. I'm not a baby. I have a baby."

"I know," she replied. "And I want my baby and my baby's baby to stay here in the house."

"We'll visit you as much as we can, I promise."

"Where is this really coming from, Kelsey?" she asked, her brows now slightly arched. "Are you seeing someone?" she continued, eyeing me curiously. "Is it Sean—"


"What? He's not with that... woman anymore, right?"

I stood up. I wasn't having this conversation anymore. I didn't want to involve myself in their business. That was theirs; that wasn't mine. As long as Sammie's not involved, I really wouldn't want to get myself involved, too.

It's been a messy few years back then. It was so hard to explain our situation to the people around us. Some people thought I was Sean's mistress—others thought I was still the wife and I was stupid for moving out. That I should've stayed and asserted my rights because I have Sammie and that I deserve more.

It was so... draining.

"I have to go," I said. "Pa," I continued, kissing his cheek. I proceeded to kiss Mom's cheek as well.

I got my bag and headed to my car. I have consults today and then I'd have to pick Sammie up from school. I'd have to show the apartment to her first before I could sign anything. I wanted her to like the apartment.

I was about to park the car when my phone vibrated.

"Yes?" I replied as I was trying to parallel park. It was Sammie's school. They rarely call, so I immediately picked up. "What happened?"

"Sammie got into a fight—"

"What?" I asked, cutting her off. "What happened?" I continued, getting the car out of the parking area and heading off to the school.

The teacher told me that Sammie got into a fight with a boy and apparently, my daughter punched a boy! I didn't want to believe because I didn't raise my daughter to resort to physical violence! I always reminded her to talk when she wanted something, that communication is always paramount.

And now... she's out here punching kids!

"Where's my daughter?" I asked when I arrived at the school.

"She's having a timeout, Ms. Fuentes."

"Are you sure she punched someone?" I asked. I just had to ask again. I couldn't believe my daughter would punch someone.

"There's a camera footage... if you want to watch," she offered with an uneasy smile.

I briefly closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

God, Sammie.

"No, it's okay," I replied. "Can I see her now?"

"She's in the classroom," Teacher Annie said. We were walking together when she got caught up by some other teacher. I wanted to wait with her, but I needed to see my daughter more. So, I began walking until I stopped in front of her classroom.

I took a peep and saw my daughter on one side, facing the wall. I could see her crossing her arms. I bet if she faced me, I'd see her pouting like she's mad she's being reprimanded for something she did.

I opened the door to get to her, but I stopped when I heard a voice.

"So... are you ready to apologize now?" a male voice asked.

"No," my daughter stubbornly replied. I seriously didn't know where she gets that attitude...

"Well, are you hungry already?"

"Yes. But I won't apologize."

"But you punched Renzo," the guy said. I wanted to stick my head inside to see who was talking to my daughter.

"And I'd punch him again, teacher Eli."


"Can I at least eat my baon, teacher? My mom prepared that for me. She'll think I didn't eat them, and I don't want her to think that."


"Thank you, teacher."

"But tell me first why you punched Renzo?"

I saw her head shake as if she's telling her teacher that hell would freeze over first before she'd tell him the reason why she just punched her classmate.

"Fine... You can eat your food."

"Thank you, teacher!" Sammie said, turning around and was about to go get her food when she saw me standing outside her classroom. Her eyes widened and she shouted 'Mommy!'

I was about to call her name when suddenly, I was face to face with a guy whose eyes widened a little upon seeing me.

"Hi," I said after I pushed the door open. "I'm Sammie's mom."

He cleared his throat. "Eli—I mean, teacher Eli—Elias," he said, sounding confused. "I'm uh... your daughter's teacher," he continued, his cheeks slightly flushed.


This story is not yet finished  on Patreon, but I'm excited haha may you enjoy this story x

(Yours Series # 3) Never Yours (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon