Final Chapter

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#NYFinalChapter Final Chapter


"Coming," I said as I hurriedly went outside. It was the family day again at Sammie's school. I wore an old rose wrap around dress and nude heels.

"We're late!"

"No, it's still early."


"No," I replied as we hurriedly went to the car. Sammie's performing and she's excited. Over the year, she became more confident. Before, she's happy with just reading and going to museums but lately, she's developed a fondness with performing art. Sean even enrolled her to take ballet classes.

Upon arriving, Sammie hurriedly went to her class. I was left there standing in the middle of the ground, but good thing Sean approached me. I saw how the mothers looked at him like he's food. Seriously.

"Sean, I don't understand the appeal you have to the mothers in this school."

Sean laughed. "Yeah. It feels weird to go here."

I felt like we're being watched. I ignored them. It wasn't my fault that my life's interesting for them.

"Eli!" Sean called when we saw Eli walking. Some of the mothers, most especially Ramona, looked at us. Seriously... if she wasn't so unnecessarily rude to me, maybe I'd introduce her to Sean since it seemed like she likes him so much.

"Good morning," Eli greeted. "Tuloy ba tayo mamaya?"

"What—" I asked because I thought he was asking me, but Sean told him that they'd meet later for whatever they're doing. I love that they're close, but sometimes, I feel like Sean's stealing Eli away from me!

After they discussed, Eli looked at me. "See you later, doc," he said with a smile before he hurriedly went to his students.

I looked at Sean and frowned. "Stop hogging my boyfriend."

He laughed. "I'm sorry but I think he likes me more."

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up," I said before we proceeded to the auditorium to watch the performance.

* * *

After the performance, Sean and I were sitting and waiting for Sammie. I immediately spotted Ramona who was looking at me like I killed a puppy just because I was sitting beside Sean.

"Sean," I said.

"Yeah?" he replied while he was trying to stay awake.

"After this school year, can we transfer Sammie to another school?"

He looked at me, still trying to stifle a yawn. "Why? Does she want to transfer?" he asked. I wasn't able to reply, but Sean was intuitive, so he followed where I was looking at and he put two and two together. "Okay," he said. "Let's ask Sammie first and if it's okay with her, let's start looking for a new school."

"Thank you."

"You know, Kels, you have a great life and some people will hate you for having what they want to have."

My forehead creased.

"But it's not your responsibility to please them. Live your great life and stop caring about other people's opinion," Sean said, shrugging.

My lips parted. "You sound like a fortune cookie."

He laughed. "No, I just have enough problems to last me a lifetime. If I have a chance at happiness—like you do—I'd grab it with both hands," he said. "You're happy. I'm happy for you. Your family's happy for you. Fuck what other people think."

(Yours Series # 3) Never Yours (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon