Chapter 08

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#NY08 Chapter 08

I was quietly browsing in Airbnb when I suddenly heard Sammie's voice. "Are we going on a vacation, mommy?" she asked as I quickly closed my laptop like she just caught me committing a crime. Her forehead creased a little.


"Are you okay, mommy?" she asked again.

I stood up and smiled at her. "Have you finished your homework?" I asked, instead. I didn't want to explain to her how I was planning on going on an out of town trip with her teacher. Eli was serious on making our 'first time' special. I understood why he wanted that, but for me, it's gonna be special anyway because it's with him.

Sex is different when you do it just for the heck of it as compared when you do it with someone you like.

And I like him a lot.

So, it's going to be special either way.

"Sammie," I said as I sat down beside her.

"Yes, mommy?" she replied, her curious eyes looking at me.

"You said before that you're okay with..." I licked my lower lip. I was nervous. "You said you're okay with having another daddy," I carefully said. "Did you mean that?"

She nodded.

Like it was that easy.

Maybe it was really that easy—adults just tend to make things more complicated.

"Yes," she said. "Daddy already explained to me that sometimes, adults need other adults. Do you need another adult, mommy?"

Oh, my god.

This conversation felt weird.

I drew a deep breath. "Yes," I said. "But only if it's okay with you," I continued. "Do you really mean that? That it's okay if mommy sees someone else? Someone that is not your daddy?"

She nodded. "Yes. It's okay. Is it Teacher Eli?" My eyes widened. Sammie chuckled. "Mommy, you're blushing!"

I grabbed the pillow and covered my face. "Who told you about Teacher Eli?"

"Secret," she said like the sly child she was.


She shook her head and even made an act like she was zippering her lips. "It's a secret, mommy," she said firmly. "But I'm okay with Teacher Eli being your adult."

I groaned. "Stop calling him my adult."

"What will I call him, mommy?"

"I don't know."

"What do you call him, mommy?"

"I call him Eli."

"Should I call him Eli, too, mommy?"

Sometimes, it's a curse to have a child as curious as she was.

* * *

'Are you busy?'

'Di naman. Bakit, doc?'

'I'm outside.'

I waited for a response, but instead of getting a text, I saw Eli rushing out of the gate of the school. He immediately spotted my car that was parked a couple of meters away from school.

"Hi," he said upon getting in.

"Hi," I replied, smiling at him and kissing him on the lips. I saw him blush after I did that. Why was he so shy? We always kiss when we meet—sometimes more, but never enough.

(Yours Series # 3) Never Yours (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon