Chapter 13

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#NY13 Chapter 13

"Are you okay?"

I looked at Sean who was standing beside me. He was holding a cup of coffee and was staring at me. "No," I honestly said. It's only been a day since that... row with Eli, yet I felt very unsettled. Eli's a very understanding person and I knew he meant well when he did not tell me about that incident. It was just a reflex—maybe a bad one at that. I was so used to people giving unwarranted opinion about my daughter that my first reaction was always to be on the defense mode.

But Eli's not the enemy.

He's on my side.

"Why? What's wrong? Is everything all right?" he asked, sounding worried. I just looked at him and shook my head. "Kelsey..."

I smiled. "No, I'll be fine," I said as I grabbed my phone and walked away. Sean's a friend and I knew that I could talk to him about anything... but it didn't feel right to talk with him about Eli. It would feel like betrayal.

After my duty, I picked up first the food I ordered for Eli and then went straight to their house. I wasn't exactly thrilled because his sisters would be there, but I didn't want to prolong the silence between us.

Besides, I was the one at fault.

I should apologize.

"Hi," I said when it was Esme who opened the gate. She just nodded at me. "Is Eli there?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Wala. May pinuntahan siya. Bukas pa makaka-balik. Hindi ba sinabi sa 'yo?"

My lips parted.

He left?

Without mentioning it?

Was he really mad at me?

"Oh," was all I said.

Esme's face was impassive. I couldn't tell if she was pleased that I was left in the dark or—I seriously didn't know.

"Esme," I called. She was looking at me. I sighed before I continued. "Is Elena inside? Can we have a chat?" I asked.

She blinked. "Para saan?"

I drew a deep breath again. "Look, I really care about your brother and I know that he wants us to get along well... And I believe we got on the wrong foot. I thought maybe we can have a conversation and then you can ask questions and I can honestly answer you," I told her. Her lips parted in surprise. Like she didn't expect to hear those words from me. But I was not a kid—I didn't like dramas—especially if I know I could straighten it out with a simple conversation.

And they're Eli's family.

I didn't have to explain, but I wanted to.

Just for peace's sake.

After a few seconds, Esme nodded.

We got inside and Tita was sleeping. Elena was surprised to see me, but I just simply smiled at her.

"Hi," I greeted.

She simply nodded as Esme took the seat adjacent to mine. Elena looked at Esme like she was asking her why the hell was I inside their house. I drew another deep breath.

"I'm Kelsey Fuentes," I began. "I'm 33 years old. I have a daughter named Samantha. She's Eli's student. That's how we met. I work as a doctor. I just moved into an apartment with my daughter." I bit my lower lip as I tried to remember what more should I tell them about me. "Do you... have questions about me?"

(Yours Series # 3) Never Yours (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon