chapter 4

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I was never a person to lie. I've never lied before. Yes I have said little white lies but I have never told a complete lie before. So that Is exactly what I'm doing right know I am telling a huge lie. So when I came from school this afternoon my father told me to meet him in his office and that's exacly what I did.

"I got a call from school today." My father stated with a serious expression on his face. Yes I am scare when My dad is mad he is MAD. I was about to speak up when but my dad put his hand up telling me to not say a word. "Can you guess what they call me about?" My father asked I didn't their to speak or move. He started moving towards me until he was on my face. Not ON my face but you get it.

"Answer me!" He shouted. "You fucking skipped school yasterday!" He was about to smack me but my mother came threw the door sobbing and yelling him to stop and let me explain. "Explain!"

"I-I didn't a-a-a-"

"You what?!" He yelled.
"I-I wasn't feeling well so- so I asked the n-nurse to -to let me co-come H-home." I stutter and Flinched.

"They better not be a next time. now get the fuck out of my office." I practically ran to my room. Locking the door behind me I cried and cried.

Dear Faith

Today was another one of those days. The only way I can't scape this pain is by reading or writting. This will be another one of those letter's that I will never sent. It sucks that we really haven't seen or talked to each other ever sense you moved. I am glad for the things you told me and thought me. But to be honest I hate you so much right know you left me when I was steel picking up the pieces but is okay I found some really nice people that are part of my life now. So thank you for loving and making me stronger. And I really don't hate you.

Love Emily
I put the letter away with the rest. After I was sure that I was done crying. I started doing my homework which I will not understand. Guess what subject? Yes that's right Math boring Math.
I ran downstairs to the kitchen and so my mother crying as soon as she so me she started cleaning her tears and gave me a very fake smile. "Hey sweety you need anything?" She asked getting up and walking to the sink.

"I know you've been crying. What did he do to you this time?" I asked very pissed of. Yes I am mad he always says something to hurt her feelings neither about grandma or her family always insults her calls her trash, he better not try to lay one finger on her or that's the day I will do what I haven't want to do all this time because of my mother. That's right I will call my uncle. How will my uncle help? Well my uncle is a very rich person and if he finds out the way my dad as been treating me and my mother he will be very mad and my dad will have to deal with layers. Yes layers because my dad owns my mother's brother a lot of money and my uncle practically owns my dad's business but he hasn't done anything about because his, his sister husband.

"Just the usuall, please don't tell your uncle I know the look!" She said with a very pleading and sad face.

"But mom how can you keep up with him, my uncle can make him stop. All of it!" I winne.

"I know but I want your father to do it by himself, not because someone is forcing him, I want him to realize by himself how bad his been towards his only child and his wife!" She started sobbing. K did the only thing I knew. I hugged her with all my power.

"Its okay mom everything will be alright." I whisper to her. She sob some more and cried everything she was feeling out.

\(^.^)/ The Next Day

I pulled on white skinny jeans and a black and white striped shirt and combat boots. After I was done getting ready I went out straight out of the house grabbing my green sweater on the way. It was windy outside and dry leafs fell from the trees. My hair stick out in all directions.

I took out my ipod to lesson to music while I walk to school. Stitches by Shawn Mendes started playing. Oh my god I love this song. We love this song!
" Your words cut deeper than a knife
Now I need someone to breathe me back to life" I started signing out loud.

"Got a feeling that I'm going under" I started skipping.

"You watch me bleed until I can't breathe
I'm shaking, falling onto my knees" I made a full turn and rase one feet all the way to my head.

"I'm tripping over myself,
I'm aching begging you to come help" I sing louder. I moved my head all direction and did a skip and a turn at the same time.

I waited till the part I like came back on to sing. "I'm tripping over myself,
I'm aching begging you to come help
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches" I started putting my hands in the air.

"Needle and the thread,
Gotta get you out of my head" I Skipped and made turns.
"Gotta get you out of my head, get you out of my head" I repeated

"I'm tripping over myself,
I'm aching begging you to come help " God I love this song.

"And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches" I ended the song and tried to do a flip but guess what I don't know how so I ended up falling on my butt.

"Ow" That Hurt. No it felt like flying on a unicorn. Hey don't get smart with me. I felt like someone was watching me but I ingnore it. After getting off the ground literally I looked at the time on my Ipod and notice it was 10 minutes past 9:30 "shit" I said out loud. Before I started to running like a mad women. Run for your life. I went threw the back sense those doors never lock, it was 9:47 when I got inside. Shit shit shit. I went straight past the office nobody seems to have seen me. Right before I was about to go up the main stairs to second floor someone stopped me.
"Do you have have a pass young lady?" The security guard asked. Ducked is the mean security guard.
"No-no sir my ride was late so I-i just got here. Sir" he looked me for a good 10 seconds before pointing to the office. I uff and walk to the office. I hate this. I seated in front of the old lady in the front desk. She looked at me before Calling the administrator. Now I'm gonna be in detention on Saturday. I mentally roll my eyes when the lady told me to wait a minute with her indexed.

10 minutes later. The 12 grader administrator came out her office with a guy who's back was to me. He looks familiar. No he don't.

"Thank you Dr. John's" the guy said before turning around. And that were my jaw felt to the floor. Is him. I am aware.

"You?" He pointed an accusing finger at me, steal does that I see. I just glare at him.
"Yes me! who else sherlock?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Young lady!" Dr. John said.

"Yes?" i asked. Standing up.
"Can you not be rude to the school knew in roll student." My mouth once against went in in a shape of of an O.

"S-sorry Dr. John"

"IA believe you need a pass and a detention slipped?" She asked. Well duh.

"Yes ma'am." I stood up straight trying not to care about Mr. Misterious eyes on me.
"Well I'll let your detention pass if you show this young gentleman where all his classes are and the cafeteria and all around." She said a smug look on her face.

"But ma'am I d-" the guy cut me off.
"Dr. John I don't think is necessary I'll be fine on my own." Oh please this school is big i even got lost twice on my 2 year here.
"No she will show you around." With that said she turned around and left me with my mouth open.

"So we meet again?" The guy asked with a smirk.
Oh nuts Why me?

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