Chapter Ten

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I am the most stupI'd person in the world. Getting ready for the stupid dinner I couldn't say no to. I tripped over my own bed hurting my toes. Stupid stupid.

Grabbing a Red dress that my mom buy for me. The dress was beutiful to be honest it was short to my knees with a V-Neck Short Sleeve Lace Dress it hugged my body like a second skin showing curves I didn't know I had Makin my butt look bigger. I pair the dress with some black peep toe pumps high heels. I did a bun on my hair living some front parts out. My makeup consider of dark red lip stick and Mascara, eyeliner bottom and top, foundation, and blush on my cheeks to give my self some color.
I looked for Dimond earings.

I wonder what Ethan was doing.

Why am I thinking about him I can't develop feelings for him I can't let my self do this again get hurt again by someone that doesn't care about me, I can't keep doing this to myself. This girl is not me I'm not the girl I use to be I'm different I was out going, I wasn't scare of anyone and I didn't coward away, but the people I let in long time ago took the away from me they broke me and made me this scare little girl. I've lost so  much in 17 years I've lost everything. I lost my grandma Nina, I lost my best friend, I lost someone special  to me, not lose more like he ran away from this crazy bitch.

Cold was one of the guys that made me  feel something back in nine grade he was my  guy friend and when Faith left he was the only person I had left after Faith. We were always together nobody could separate us, but one day we- we ended up liking each other more than friends I fell in love with Cold and he said he loved me too, but one day we got mad at each other because even though we confessed each others love for one another he had his girlfriend so I got mad the he was still with her while he told me all this sweet things than he went to her. So he apologies and ever sense than I didn't here from him he disappear out of the map, his mother talked to my mom she told my mother that Cold had decided to go to the army for training. that was 6 months after he stopped talking to me so for 6 months he avoided me when I  aw him at school he went the other direction, he stopped texting me, calling me, looking at me , he broke me  completely. Cold will always be part of me because even though he left me like everyone else he- he was my first love the first person that made my heart melt.

 I don't want Ethan to do  the same to me.

With all this thoughts in my mind I went down the stairs to meat my parents. My mother looked at me up and down specially like she was disapproving of something she roll her eyes. "You should try and act like a ladies not a boy, what's with  the hair gush." She  walked to the door and was out my dad laugh at me and walked out the door as well. I put my head down and follow behind them.

I don't understand why they treat me like this why I sit that they look at me with hate, is like I remind them of something or someone and they cant have that other half so they treat me like shit because of it. sometimes I feel like I'm a dog not they treat me like a dog all that's left of me to do is to bark. My parents started acting like his towards me when I turned five they always come and go they are never here for to long. Sometimes I fell like my parents have a really big dark pass and secret that involves me, but one can never know.

I slide inside the limo my mother and father already in front of me.

"Here," my mother said throwing an object at me I looked at it a mac Red lipstick "at least put this on your lips." glaring at me she sip from her whine.

whipping the lip gloss of y lips I started o apply the lipstick. To be honest I do not like Red lipstick or any other dark colors or colors that will make my lips pop because my lips are already big so I don't see why I should apply this on. All of a sodden I started feeling all kiddy and nervous, something inside me was hoping that the kid I met years ago was there, but I know he won't be there. Don't make yourself feel down child.  

Sometimes the person that you less expect something from is the one that will give it to you without you even asking.

Looking outside the window I started to play a game with my self guessing the names of the cars. I love cars my favorites would be Mustang, Ferrari, BMW, and Audis. You barely see any Motorcycles around fall but when summer is here you see bikers everywhere Kawasaki ninja would be my favorite, Maybe Is time I ask my papa for his and no I am not talking abut father. (I wonder what my friends are doing?) My friend parents don't make them do all this they understand the and love them not like my. The only times I actually get along with my mother is when my father treats us both like shit all the time, when my father screams or intents to hit  me my mother is sweet with me and steps in for me. That's were my father comes and neither hits her sometimes or screams at her, but rather than that she treats me like shit as well, my family is real f*** up sometimes I think that's why  my  sister left she couldn't  take there shit anymore special fathers.

I felt the limo come to a stop I felt my self getting more nervous every second. Standing in front of the huge wooden doors  my mother nagging on my ear and my father telling us to  act like the perfect little family that we are not. The doors open revealing the same place that I came to when I was little except that it looked brighter. There were people scatter everywhere with  black, grey, and other color suits and dinner dresses spoiled reach people sipping on the wine including my parents. I started wondering what it  would be like if my sister was here my sister was the attention she was always the outgoing one the beautiful one that everyone loved that until she moved. Sometimes I think my parents love my sister more than they love me they were always better with her.


*Flash back*

"Mommy! mommy look at my drawing!" I sang excited at the drawing I  had one of are family holding hands everything was colorful and beautiful in my eyes.

"Mommy look at what I did." My sister came in showing m mother her drawing. that consisted of a big house an her and daddy holding hands. my mother paid mote attention to my sister drawing than mine.

"wow Emily you shod learn from your sister look at her drawing how beautiful it is." my mother smiled and kissed my sister on the cheek. I  look down and  got out of the room to my own room. destroying in to pieces my drawing.

*End of Flash Back*

I shook my head and walked in saying hello to some of my father workers or people that said hi to me. Midnight cam along and my mother and father were somewhere talking business with other business 'lats' other people were on the dance floor dancing away.

Noticing an old couple dancing on the dance floor I smiled. The man was holding the old lady like she was all he had and a treasure that  he couldn't lose and he was been gentle with her. Feeling a tear roll down my cheek I whippet it away my eyes all watery now, god I am sentimental. Looking around I  noticed that there were actually a lot of Teenagers here today maybe my age and some younger and kids as well, my eyes completely frozen on one person inn particular those eyes that hair so familiar but un familiar at the same time, he noticed me staring. Everything froze is like I was leaving a movie were everything goes slow motion, as he lock eyes with mine he's head turning to the side studying me he started to walk towards me.

Dress in suit and tie he made his way towards me, walking to wards me pushing threw the dance floor leaving the girl he was currently dancing with his eyes never left mine as he made his way towards me. He is handsome and Sexy his eyes totally go with the grey tie and makes them pop a little, those blue deep eyes that look like ice cold water, like they are reading my soul.

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