evindince - Henrietta Wilson

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Note: You're a cop in this oneshot if you wouldn't notice...

Today was just another day at work. You got a call at 12PM like usual.
You went to the olace and saw that the firefighters were there. You started doing your job and look for evedince. All you knew is that there was a robbery. Now you just need to find the robber.
You were busy with collecting information and keeping people away. A woman walked into you while she tried to go to the victom.
"Don't mess up my evindince," you almost yell. "Sorry," is all that the woman could say.
You figur out who the robber was and catch him as he tries to run away. Another solved case for today.

The next day you get another call. A fire. Today you just had to keep people away and watch the traffic.
You bumped into the lady you yelled yesterday.
"Hi, sorry for yelling at you the other day," you say. "No problem, I just had to walk around and not in the middle of the crime scene," she sais.
You quickly walk away because there's a fight. You break them up.

After the fire was out you went to get some coffee. At the coffeeshop a lady walked into you. "Watch your- oh hi," you say when you see the same lady you walked into for the 3rd time.
"This might be weird but if we're only going to bump into each other I want to know who you are," you say. "Henrietta, but call me Hen," the lady says. "Y/N," you answer.
Hen gives you her number and later that night she texts you.

H: Hi, do you want to go out for dinner tonight?

Y/N: Yeah sure

H: Great, I'll pick you up

Y/N: C U

And around 6PM Hen took you to a fancy restaurant.

You had a wonderfull night. And so did she. After your date she brought you home and said goodbye.

The next day you were free. You wanted to sleep in but your phone woke you up. You got a text from Hen.

H: Hi, I'm free today. Wanna grab breakfast??

Y/N: Yes please!!

And before you knew it, Hen was at your door.
You went to a casual restaurant and ate breakfast.
"Do I need to bring you to your work," Hen asks. "Nope, I'm also free," you answer. "Cool, want to go to my place or catch a movie," Hen asks. "I'd love that," you say. You were soooo crushing on Hen.
Again you had an amazing time with Hen. She even introduced you to her co-workers.
That night you and Hen were watching some Netflix. You were kind of cuddling but you were scared to grab her.
"I think I like you," Hen says.
You weren't the type that fell fast in love but your time with Hen was so good you fell for her after your first date.
"I like you too," you answer. You got a little closer to her now that you knew she liked you back.

!!A/N!!: I don't know if I like this piece... please let me know just by voting or commenting. Not only on this piece but on all the chapters you like so I know that at least somebody likes it!!
Sorry for all the mistakes and stuff, I'm still not from America or a country where they speak English.
Also I'm trying to post daily and it's really hard to come up with new ideas every day. So leave ideas plssss

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