How he/she shows he/she loves you

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A/N: I decided to try something new. Tell me what you think about this xx

Disclaimer: This is how it happens in my DR (I'm a reality shifter) so it May not be how you immagend it.

Buck: He kisses you a lot and takes you on fancy dates.

Bobby: He randomly gives you gifts, flowers or cards. On Valentines he boys flowers for your mother aswell.

Chim: He tries to have the same days of as you so you 2 could spend it together.

Eddie: When he got back from thr army he took you on a vacation with Christopher. He tries to have 1 week of in the summer and 1 in the winter so you could go on vacation together.

Hen: Hen tells you everyday how much she loves and appriciates you. She also makes sure you get enough hugs every single day and she takes care of you.

Athena: She randomly sets up a romantic date at her house when you come over. She makes sure the kids are at Micheal's and you have the house you yourselfs.

Maddie: Maddie is always there for you and lets you talk about your day. If you had a bad day she alsways tells you what you did good and if you had a good day she does the same.

A/N: This wasn't good, I know. But I want to try again so tell me what you think and if you want more of these!! Xx

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