Drown to Make Them Happy

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Two days they agreed, and two days have passed. He was due to meet Sapnap soon, by the tree they had reunited at as Dream.

Steeling himself, he snuck out the castle and started to make his way to the tree. He almost got caught once, twice actually, but the second time was just the guard jolting in his sleep- who the fuck sleeps when they're working?

After minutes of wandering in the dark he finally got to the tree but there was no sign of Sapnap yet, so he climbed the tree again and waited. Minutes passed before Sapnap arrived with George, only for George to give his lover a quick kiss and leaving. Dream watched him walk away, glad he was able to have time with Sapnap alone but scared of what was to come.

"Dream?" Sapnap looked into the tree. "Uh... can- could you come down please?" The words were soft, like they weren't supposed to be heard.

Dream hopped out of the tree, leaning against the trunk- and away from Sapnap- instead. "I'm here, what do you want?" His tone was cold. He knew Sapnap was sorry, but that wouldn't work. He desperately wanted to forgive Sapnap, yes, but some part of him wanted to make sure Sapnap was truly sorry and not just faking it for George's happiness.

Dream knew if he explained it to someone he would sound stupid, but he knew Sapnap. The man would sacrifice his happiness for George with little to no hesitation, even if that meant killing himself in the process. Honestly enough though, Dream would do that for both Sapnap and George, with absolutely no hesitation.

Dream was like a lost puppy in their presence, they could send him to something that will absolutely kill him and he would do it. As long as they smiled Dream would continue to silently worship them as if they had put the stars and moon in the sky. He wanted to kiss them until they ran out of air, cuddle them throughout the night, and a few other things that weren't so family friendly.

"Hey.... Dream." Sapnap half smiled, looking away. "I understand if your mad at me but I just..." He sighed, looking at Dream then away again.

"What? You just what?" The blonde hissed, narrowing his eyes.  "Thought it would be fun to hurt my fucking feelings?"

At that Sapnap's head snapped towards Dream so fast the blonde was confused about how he didn't get whiplash or break it. The calm but nervous expression on Sapnaps face morphed to anger and slight hostility. "The fuck- hurt your feelings? What about us, huh? Me and George were left alone for years without you Dream. You abandoned us and expect us to let you back into our lives and move on. George cried for months after you left, he'll deny it like hell but you hurt him. You hurt him and you hurt me. George forgave you easily because thats the bond you two have, but thats not how it was with me, was it? You always preferred George over me and you fucking know it Dream." Sapnap glared, his tone full of venom and hatred. "It was always George, wasn't it, Dream?"

By now Dream was standing dumbfounded and confused. "Always... Sapnap what the fuck are you talking about?" Dream asked confused.

"How you always ignored me for him maybe? Or how whenever were all together you would go to George, you would ask where George is if we were hanging out one on one. You used to disappear for days only to to ask where George is as soon as you came back. And-and when we did hang out together by ourselves it was more often than not we were near George and you were always watching him!"

Dream paused, sorting through memories before laughing. He knew what Sapnap was talking about, but the male had it all twisted. "Sapnap, dude, you got it wrong. I had asked where George was before because the two of you were always together, but I never actively looked for George while you were there. We would sit for hours with each other, and the only reason I watched George when he was gardening or looking at plants and herbs was because the man is colourblind, Sap. He would ask us what colour a new plant he had gotten was but that wasn't often so most of the time I paid attention to you. When I disappeared for extended periods of time is because, since George is  skilled in the art of potions, I would hunt mobs for him or go to get something for him since he couldn't." Dream explained, shaking his head.

"What about when George had to go somewhere for a trip and we barely talked that entire week?" Sapnap now looked close to tears and Dream wanted nothing more than to comfort the male.

"Sap, I was hanging out with you but you were also busy  with your brother and father, so most of the time I was helping around the village. Out of that entire week, you had two days free and we spent one of them cuddling because you were tired and the other we just talked at our tree." Dream frowned, Sapnap now looked more upset at himself than anyone else now.

The masked male sighed, moving over to the now crying male and pulling him into a hug. "You don't have to forgive me Sap, but please stop crying." The taller mumbled as he wiped Sapnaps tears away and kissed his forehead, then his nose.

Sapnap fought back, trying to get out of Dreams grip. "What do you want from us, Dream?! Revenge? Me and George breaking up?!"

Dream sighed, shaking his head. "I just want my boys back, is that too much to ask for?" Dream murmured, eyes glancing down at Sapnap. And that was half the truth, he just wasn't telling him how he wanted them back. How he wanted them back as his and each others alone. Dream belonged solely to Sapnap and George and he wasn't going to change that anytime soon. He was theirs as much as they were his, whether they loved him or not.

He would suffer and drown in his own emotions to make them happy. And thats what he has been doing for years, even when he was away from them he was still drowning slowly.

A/N: uhhhh- I swear i didn't forget this story and i swear i didn't write this chapter weeks(a month and a half) ago and forget to publish it-

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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