.:. Chapter 2 .:. " Took you long enough.

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                          ~Alexander Opal~

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                          ~Alexander Opal~

The next morning I woke up and looked at my legs that were on the bed, and my torso on the floor, my legs above my head.

" ughh...mmmhhh.. "

I just groaned for a while until I heard a bang on the door, so I shut up. My head did hurt like a bitch and my shoulders were tight. I also had a giant purpley-black bruise on the side of my thigh.
I looked at it and rolled my eyes, I took an aspirin and stood up. Things weren't too dizzy so I mumbled as I pulled on my gym set, it was a dark green one. I grabbed my AirPods and put them into my ears and clicked my playlist titled "Hangover season" this was the only thing motivating me to go on this run.

I walked out of my room, Rubix walking under my feet, I gave Gabi a little wave, Alex was still fast asleep in his room when I was leaving so that wasn't any stress for me. I walked out the front door and closed it gently behind me and walked down to the lobby of the building where I met James.

" Your up awfully early. "

" 8am, the day after a party. I got- maybe 6 hours sleep. "

" Sean is coming up to visit today, you should meet him. "

Meet Sean?.. uhm. That was the furthest thing from my head, I just nodded and started my run. I jogged down a trail that was signposted with the way to go, seemed like it went on forever but it was only about 10km.

I did spot a waterfall oasis type thing running past an opening in the forest which remained in my head the whole time I was running. the parties there would be incredible! I did gag at the thought of a party since I was too hungover to think and run at the same time.


I ended up at the greenhouse which was my happy place at this point. Judi, the french old lady, she greeted me with a kiss on each cheek, which didn't really register in my head but I wasn't offended by it.

" Madame Ophelia! Come, come! "

" what is it Judi? "

She dragged me over to a patch of roses that were fairly magnificent, a deep crimson red colour and a few white ones. I trimmed the thorns off one of the roses and clipped it, Judi taking it and sliding it into my hair.

I liked working in the garden with Judi, the lovely french music she had playing, the dances she taught me were hilarious and we both knew it. Most important, it was peaceful, peace was something I hadn't had in a long time, it was quite soothing to be able to relax, at the same time though, my head was always pushing dark thoughts.

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