.:. Chapter 6 .:. " You're safe. "

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The next morning...

I was running down the hall, I heard heavy footsteps chasing after me and an awful gut wrenching laugh. I was sprinting but the door wasn't getting closer. Kane was behind me.

After a few angry yells he had found me. He trudged toward me and the laugh sounded as evil as ever. A knife in his hand already covered in blood. He then kicked the knife with a glint in his eye, almost golden.

Then I saw Alex who was screaming my name over and over and-

" Ophelia! Wake up! "

My eyes opened and I gasped for breath, not being able to take in enough oxygen at once. I clung to Alex's arm which was next to me. I panted and wheezed until he placed his hand on my head and shushed me.

" It's ok, no one is coming to hurt you. "
A lie. Everyone and anyone wanted to hurt me.

" he's comin-

" Ophelia. Shh you're ok. You're safe. "

I closed my eyes, and wept. The tears were streaming down my cheeks and they wouldn't stop. It was uncontrollable, all the pain, anguish, heartbreak and ache I felt all came to the surface at once. I wasn't one to cry, but when I did it was silent. No wailing or screaming. Just floods of tears.

I felt myself be lifted up, Into the arms of the caramel scented boy who'd saved me too many times before.

" Ophelia listen to my breathing. Close your eyes. In....and out. Take your time. "

After 5 minutes of that Alex placed me back down on my bed. I missed his warmth. It was comforting. I sat against my headboard, Alex in front of me. I didn't want him to see me weak and vulnerable so I tried to cover my face and seem normal.

" Don't hide. It's alright Ophelia. It's ok to
feel. "

" I don't- I can't feel. It hurts Alex it always hurts. "

Alex came closer, sitting next to me and then he wrapped his heavy arm around me, We sat there for a while, All I could think about was death. First my brother Felix and now my presumed dead father, what if Felix was alive? No stop it. I saw him die.

" Ophelia, what happened in that room. "

I shrugged as I snapped out of thought, not looking at Alex in fear of telling him, he'd think of me different if I did, or would he?

" Please tell me, I can help, I want to. "

" they hit me. slut shamed me. touched me. "
I bit my lip anxious of what Alex's reaction would be.

I felt Alex's grip on me tighten, and his jaw clenched, I instinctively brought my hand to his face, which relax him a little. He then captured me with a stare. His eyes were warm, not as cold and emotionless as the past.

" it's nothing new, they always do it. "

" You're safe with me ok. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. "

" thank-

" Do not thank me. "
He said quite sassily.

That made me feel strange, I took my hand from his cheek and stuffed it into the pocket of my hoodie. He frowned at me.

" I'm sorry-

" do not apologise. "

He gave me a smile, he seemed to like when I talked back to him. Not in a mean way, but playful.

" are Gabi and Katja up? "

" Ophelia, It's 4am. "

" oh, shit I woke you i'm sorry-

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