The Darktroopers

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"The kid," Mando breathed, seeing four large, black droids descend from the sky. He was too far away, he knew he was. Leaving Boba and Fennec to fend off the remaining stormtroopers, he sprinted up the hill to his son. He didn't bother shouting for him - it would make no difference, and he had to focus all of his energy on getting to him, now. He was halfway to the peak when he started hearing the droids marching in unison, surrounding their target. His heart dropped, just as a vaguely familiar sound pierced the air. He couldn't place it though, not until he rounded the top of the hill and saw a crystal blue laser sword slicing the droids in two. There were already two down, the figure wielding the sword fighting the third as the last made its way to the child. Mando scrambled to reach him as fast as he could, but the droid had him in its grasp seconds before Mando could reach him, and took off towards the cruiser above. However, it seemed the mystery person had finished off the third droid and leaped into the air to tackle the last. Mando stood frozen to the ground as he watched the laser decapitate the droid, sending the three of them into freefall. He powered up his jetpack but it turned out it wasn't needed. The child landed softly in the arms of his anonymous saviour, as if their fall had magically slowed down just for them. The droid, however, landed in an almighty crash behind them, which would have been funny if the circumstances weren't so dire. Looking up, the child caught the gaze of his father and reached out to him with a small grunt.

"Grogu," was all Mando could think to say as he cradled him. He looked to the woman who saved his child. She looked young, her long, mousy-brown hair tied into two french braids that tumbled down her shoulders. Her blue-green eyes met his visor. "Thank you," he said, still panting from his sprint up the hill. No more could be said before blaster fire surrounded them, seemingly from every direction. They ran together, Mando simultaneously shielding the child and blasting the imps in their path. The woman ran behind them, deflecting shots away from the group with the sword. She didn't actually know where they were running to, but realised that she didn't care, as long as it was somewhere not here. There didn't seem to be any protest at her tagging along, anyway. It wasn't long before she spotted a ship in the distance. The trio somehow managed to clamber on, take off and jump into hyperspace without taking major damage. The Mandalorian, after what seemed like an age, slowly descended down the ladder from the cockpit to find the woman standing awkwardly in the middle of the cargo hold. The child was laid in a hammock, fast asleep.

"You can sit," Mando stated, gesturing to the side. She tentatively lowered herself onto the cold bench.

"Where are we going?" She found herself asking. There were so many other, more pressing, questions to be asked, but that was all she could muster.


"Where's that?"

"Outer Rim. I've got some friends there."

"Is it safe?"

"As safe as anywhere else right now."

"Right." The two paused for a moment, simultaneously wondering who was going to break first. It turned out to be Mando.

"Who are you?" He asked gently.

"Odie. Odie Siglir," she answered, surprised by his tone. "Who are you?"

"You can call me Mando."


"Yeah. Like Mandalorian." He stated it like it was obvious. It decisively wasn't obvious to Odie.

"What's that?"

"The Mandalorians are a creed." He explained after a short sigh.

"Okay." She desperately wanted him to expand, but decided not to probe. She had only just met him, after all. Besides, the conversation was cut short by a beeping sound from the cockpit. Mando ascended once more up the ladder and Odie was left to wonder what the Hell she was going to do now.

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