Ch.1 Hanako-kun

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~Y/n pov~

Why am I being forced to summon Hanako again? Oh yeah....Nene doesn't want to go alone.

So my kindhearted self decided to go with her.

Little did I know, that decision would change my life forever.


Nene took a deep breath before knocking on the stall three times, "Hanako , Hanako, are you there?"

I stood behind her as moral support.

The stall creeked open and I saw a hand.

"Here I am." A voice sung out.

My eyes widened in surprised while Nene gasped and took a step back.

Did it work? I definitely wasn't expecting this.

Wait if it worked then that means....

The toilet door swung the rest of the way open and the stall was empty.

Nene sighed in relief, "Must've just been my imagination."

I stepped to the side as I noticed a boy hovering near us. He placed his hand on Nene's shoulder, "Over here."

Nene screamed and tried to whack him but she went right through him and fell onto the floor.

I crouched beside her, "Nene, are you okay?"

She jumped up and into my arms.

I froze and then slowly patted her head, "There there."

She sniffled, "Why didn't you just do it for me?"

"You're the one who wants a wish granted." I sighed.

I turned to see the boy just staring at us.

His eyes widened upon seeing me.

Why does he look kinda familiar? Oh well.

"Y/n..." he muttered.

"Huh?" I tilted my head at him, "How do you know my name?"

The happiness and relief on his face quickly turned into a sad look before going back neutral. If I blinked I would've missed it.

Nene stood up and backed away from him.

The boy laughed at her, "Nice to meet you. I'm Hanako of the eight wonders."

"Eight? Isn't there seven?" Nene asked.

"Well there is a rumoured eight, but none of us have ever met her. No one knows if she actually exists or not. But she most likely does since there is a rumour about her...." Hanako trailed off, "But enough with that! What's your name and wish?"

"Eh?? You're a boy? Where's your bob cut and red skirt?" Nene asked, "Are you a pervert?"

At the last part, Hanako huffed and headed back to the stall, "Goodbye."

"No wait! A boy Hanako is cool." Nene exclaimed.

Hanako turned back around and smiled widely, "Name and wish!"

"I'm Yashiro Nene and I want the person I like to like me back."

"Love, huh?" Hanako mumbled, writing something down.

Then he turned to face me, "And you?"

"I'm Y/n L/n. I don't have a wish. I only came cuz Nene is a scaredy cat." I chuckled.

Nene whacked my arm, "I am not!"

Hanako hums, "Okay!"

He puts his notebook away and starts rummaging in his pockets as if they are endless.

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