Ch.4 Four o' clock library

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~Y/n pov~

I was walking down the hallways afterschool.

I didn't feel like going to see Amane so instead I decided to take a long walk.

On my walk, I stopped by the garden for a few minutes before wandering the hallways of the old building.

Then, I bumped into someone and fell to the floor.

I should've been expecting that, I wasn't looking where I was going.

When I looked up, a boys face was hovering over mine as he leant over me.

I flinched, almost whacking my head against his.

This boy looked identical to Amane but I knew it wasn't him.

The boy was dressed in a Kimono and had a black seal on his cheek.

"You alive?" He poked me.

When our eyes met, he back away and then a startled look appeared on his face.

I got up and dusted clothes off.

"N/n!" The boy exclaimed, flinging himself at me.

Luckily, I caught him.

He nuzzled his cheeks against mine and he hugged me tightly.

"Who are..." I cut myself off as my head started pounding.

More memories came back to me. Tsukasa...was that his name?

Him and Amane are twins and we were all...... friends?

"You okay?" He tilted his head to look up at me.


"Great." He grinned and then whispered, "I really missed you."

"Tsukasa?" I asked.

He nodded eagerly, "You remember?"

"Memories have started coming back to me. But there are still lots of gaps in my memory."

Tsukasa was silent for a few moments, "Have you seen Amane?"

I nodded.

He grinned, "I wanna see Amane too."

"Maybe some other time." I told him.

I wasn't sure what kind of relationship him and Amane had.

Did Amane hate his brother? Or were they really close?

He finally got off me and instead held my hand, dragging me somewhere.

"Where are we going?"

He turned to me and smiled, "You'll see."

The walk would have been silent if Tsukasa wasn't whistling to himself.

It was nice to listen to.

Despite Tsukasa basically being a stranger, he didn't feel like one. I felt comfortable around him.

The same way I felt comfortable around Amane but it was slightly different.

I'd only just met Tsukasa but I could tell him and Amane were different even though they had lots of similarities.

We finally stopped in front of a door.

Tsukasa proceeded to fling the door open, "I'm

Two people turned to face him.

"Who's that?" The girl asked.

"I'm Y/n, nice to meet you."

She nodded, "I'm Sakura and you can ignore the boy over there."

Ghosts of the past | Amane x reader x Tsukasa (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now