Ch.13 Severance

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~Y/n pov~

"I do not mind. If you wish, you may remove the seal." Sumire told us, "But can you please wait one more day?"

"Because of your wedding?" I frowned at the thought.

At least her last moments would be happy.

"Please, keep this secret from your boyfriend." Sumire begged me.

"Of course." I smiled sadly. This was the least I could do.

"I'll keep it secret too." Nene agreed.

Sumire smiled in relief, a lone tear slipping down her cheek, "Thank you.."

We turned to leave but she grabbed our wrists, stopping us.

"Please take this as thanks." She slipped bracelets onto our wrists, "It's a protection charm."

I sent her a small smile, "Thanks."


Amane flew into my arms as soon as I entered the room.

"Thank god you're okay." He sighed.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I wrapped my arms around his waist to support his weight as he wrapped both his arms and legs around me, similar to his Tsukasa does.

Sumire ignored us and set up two futons.

"There. I'm going to sleep in my room." She abruptly left.

It wasn't like we were going to use a third futon even if she set it up so it didn't matter all that much.

I decided against trying to pry Amane off me and just crawled into one of the futons, laying on my side.

Amane was laid beside me, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

The boy shuffled a bit and then pulled me closer to him, my head resting on his chest.

He rested his head on top of mine and sighed in content, running his hand on my back soothingly every once in a while.

I relaxed into his arms.

Without Tsukasa here, I felt a bit empty. At least Amane was here.

My breathing slowed and eventually I fell asleep on my lover's arms.


I woke up still clinging to Amane.

Shuffling a bit, his grip around my waist loosened enough for me to move in his tight hold.

I turned on my side. The floor felt hard.

Wait... I took in my surrounding and realised we were no longer in the futon but in a shed.

What's going on? Where's Nene?

I began to panic as I assumed the worst.

Tears forming in my eyes.

My light sniffles woke Amane up.

He sat up, pulling me with him and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"Y/n?" It was then he noticed my tears, "What happened?"

"I woke up and we were here and I don't know where Nene is but something bad must've happened." I gasped out.

Amane shushed me gently, holding me tightly and running his hand through my hair in an attempt to comfort me.

"Panicking about it will do nothing. We'll find Yashiro. I promise. As soon as you calm down we'll go look for her."

I nodded against his chest, my sniffles growing quieter until they stopped.

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