Ch.15 Escape

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~Y/n pov~

"Where are we going?" I asked Nene as she dragged me along.

Why did she come here?

Eventually, she would've forgotten everything and lived a normal life.

Is that not what she wanted?

"Why did you come?" Amane asked, speaking my thoughts aloud.

Nene stopped running abruptly.

Amane ran into my back with an oomph sound.

"You could've forgotten about this all and just live a normal life... why?" I asked.

Nene turned to face me and slapped my cheek.

I moved my hand to cup my red cheeks and stared at her with a startled expression.

"I wanted to see the one I love. Is that so wrong?!" Nene yelled with an angry expression.

Love? Me?

"I wanted to save you from Minamoto. So why are you complaining?!" She sniffled.


"Didn't you want to live a hundred years?" Amane asked.

Nene glared at him as if to tell him to shut up before turning back to me.

"You don't have to grant my wish anymore. Why did it turn out like this?" Nene sobbed, tears dripping down her cheeks.


"You're an idiot. Why didn't you realise my feelings sooner?" She grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug, her head resting against my shoulder as she cried and clung to me.

I moved to hug her back, my hand rubbing her back.

"I'm sorry."

Nene looked at me in surprise when I apologised.

"I didn't want you to die but at the same time I knew you wouldn't just let Aoi die. I thought when you forgot you could be happy." I smiled bitterly, "I'm already dead. We can't always be together. One day you'll go away and I'll be here."

Nene frowned, "You idiot. I hate you. Why would you do all that for me?"

"You're the only real friend I've had since I ended up in this situation. Sure, I have Amane but it's not the same."

"What do you mean?" Amane huffed. (Jealous much?)

"You're not a girl." I turned back to Nene, "I'm sorry. I intended to never see you again but I'm glad. Even if this is the last time I'll see you."

"Don't say that." Nene huffed, "I'll get you out of here."

She held my shoulders firmly as she stared at me with a determined expression.

I smiled bitterly. I knew it couldn't be like this forever.

Amane grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly, giving me a comforting smile.

Nene started digging around in her bag.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to pretend this was a normal day.

"Look a puzzle." Nene held up a jigsaw box excitedly.

Amane deadpanned, "Do you realise the situation we are in?"

"We're done trying to extend my lifespan. The others can go home and... I'll stay here."

I frowned, "Are you giving up?"

"Do you not care if you die?" Amane asked coldly as he stared down at Nene.

Nene looked up and smiled at us, putting down the jigsaw.

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