Ch. 5 Mitsuba

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~Y/n pov~

I was just wandering around the school hallways as usual.

Nene was cleaning the bathroom and Amane was watching her but I decided I wanted to go on a walk.

I turned the corner to see Kou and a boy with pink hair.

Is he a ghost?

I noticed Tsukasa out of the corner of my eye.

He floated towards the pink haired boy and grins at him.

"Leaving without even telling me?"

Then, Tsukasa shoved his hand through the boys body.

He pulled his hand out a few seconds later, leaving a gaping hole.

The pink haired ghost gasped in shock, collapsing to the ground with a hole in through his torso.

Kou just stood there shocked about what just happened.

It all happened too fast.

It was terrible so then why? Why was I not scared of Tsukasa?

Kou placed his hand on Tsukasa's shoulder, "Stop it."

No one had noticed me standing there yet.

"Who the hell are you?" Kou gasped, "Get your hands off.... my friend Mitsuba!"

"Oh?" Tsukasa stared at him blankly.

Kou was whacked away.

"I'm an apparition." Tsukasa lifted Mitsuba up, "I grant whoever summons me a wish and take one thing in payment. Amane grants wishes for the living people on this life, and I grant them for the dead people in the next. He wished, and I answered."

Black smoke appeared and a radio appeared.

I just stood rooted to my spot. What was I meant to do?

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't fight Tsukasa. I was weak.

I didn't know how to go into my ghost form either. In my ghost form I'd probably be more powerful.

"Broken neck of the entrance." Sakura's voice came out of the radio.

Mitsuba's head fell back limply as he gasped in shock.

"He's a ghost with a broken neck who haunts the junior high entrance. He's a very lonely ghost, so he might try to talk to you." Sakura continued.

It was then I realised... are the broadcasting club making all the rumours?

"Hey, have you forgotten me?"

Mitsuba grabbed his head in pain.

"If you can't answer by saying his name, then... he'll break your neck and make you just like him."

Mitsuba collapsed to the floor trembling.

Mitsuba's body completely changed until he was unrecognisable.

I froze in shock.

The disfigured boy lunged towards his friend and started to attack him.

It was then my body finally moved.

"Kou." I yelled racing towards him.

Hands wrapped around my waist, stopping me from running to him.

"Not so fast, N/n." Tsukasa's childish voice whispered to me.

I struggled for a few seconds before giving up.

Ghosts of the past | Amane x reader x Tsukasa (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now