Ch.9 Hell of mirrors

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~Y/n pov~

Nene told us there were weird photos in the gardening club book.

"What do you mean?" I asked floating over to her.

She opened the book to show us.

Kou peered over her other shoulder and Amane cling to my side.

There were weird purple hands in the photos.

"Weird." I commented.

"The actual photos are more funny than creepy, but ever since I saw them, weird things started happening." Nene sighed.

"Like what?" Amane grinned.

"They grow.."

Kou tilted his head, "What grow?"

"The hands. They keep coming from nowhere."

"Is this one of the mysteries?" I asked Amane.

He put his finger on his chin and thought for a few seconds, "That's probably it."

Nene suddenly screamed, "Right there!"

She pointed behind us.

We all turned to see colourful hands rising from the ground near the windowsill.

"That is pretty strange." I chuckled.

The Mokke on the windowsill trembled at the sight of them.

"What do you want?" Nene cried, sitting on the ground.

I gently patted her head, "It's okay."

"No, it's not okay." She sniffed, swatting my hand away.

Pouting, I backed away from her and cling to Amane.

"She's being mean."

Amane laughed, ruffling my hair gently.

"Don't worry. I'll exorcise them!" Kou grinned at her.

The tears in Nene eyes disappeared as she stared at him hopefully, "Really?"

He nodded rapidly.

We all watched as he marched over to the hands.

Kou placed his hand on the windowsill, "I'll take you on."

Arm wrestling?

The boy lost terribly.

"Winner!" Amane cheered, pointing to the arm.

Kou fell to the down and Nene crouched down beside him, deadpanning at him.

"Pathetic. Loser." The Mokke insulted him.

The hand Amane was holding suddenly disappeared.

"It disappeared! Wait..." Nene quickly flicked through the gardening clubs book and saw that the hand had disappeared from the photo.

"Maybe they wanted attention?" I suggested.

Amane nods, "Most lesser spirits are satisfied and disappear once you resolve their desires."

"Then, we have to give them all attention."

And so that's what we did.


There was only one hand left and it was coming out of the mirror.

Nene stood near it as Kou looked at the pictures where the hands once were.

"Y'know...the photos are well taken." Kou told Nene.

She hummed in agreement, "Yeah. We got a boy from the photography club to take them for us."

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