Chapter Ten

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WARNING BIT OF SMUT ( The italicized part is the smut, you can skip it if you want) :))

Nina's Dream after Juliane leaves (Nina's POV)

I am washing the dishes as Ian comes behind me. He wraps his arms around my hips and smells my hair. Then his hands start going to my thighs, and my breathing starts to get sharper. 

"Smolder you are distracting me, I have to do the dishes" I say yet not wanting him to stop what he is doing.

"Oh ok... then I will leave" He smirks, that smirk. 

I start feeling restless, and suddenly I don't care about the dishes or anything. All I want is Ian's lips on mine. 

I catch him by surprise and kiss him with passion, it was like my whole world revolved around that kiss. He is startled at first, but then kisses me back passionately. Our kisses start getting more intense, stopping barely to breathe. 

"Oh fuck" He moans and pushes me to the fridge. Making butterflies form in stomach, he takes of my shirt and then I help him take of my bra. I take of his shirt and try and take of his jeans while he kisses my neck. His hands travel to my breasts pinching my nipples making me moan. I realize that Ian and I are practically naked. 

He takes a pause to look at me. "Wow you are so perfect Nina."  Then he gently kisses me again. I want all of him, but he leaves. Drifting away into the darkness.  He is not there anymore, and here I am alone not sure what I will do without him.

End of dream

I wake up, sweat forming on my body. Why did I have a dream about Ian and I making out, this has only happened once before.  I can't miss him, he has a wife and a daughter and most importantly I have a boyfriend. I need a distraction from all this, so I decide to call Shaun. My boyfriend who I have been forgetting about lately, I need to give him a chance. He has done so much for me, he probably thinks I am not into this relationship. However, I do want this to work; although I apparently still love my ex.

Nina's call to Shaun

"Hey Shaun" 

"Hey babe, have you been ok lately. You just seem off." 

"I... I am sorry it's just a lot has been happening and I promise I want this to work. I just... (long pause) you know what lets go on a date tomorrow. It's on me."

"Wait really, yes I would love to go on a date with you!" 

"Ok well see you then. Meet me at my house at 6 pm tomorrow"

"Alright..." He says, not wanting to hang up

And so we talked, it went on like that for 2 hours. I don't think I have talked this much to anyone anymore. I am really starting to like him, and maybe he and I can actually work for the long run. I don't picture my future with him, but I should. I can't be alone for the rest of my life.

Ian's POV

I pack my bags and go to Nikki's house. The moment I walked in, a 3 year old girl came running to rush to me.

"Daddy!" She says all excited

"Hi baby" I say as I open my arms to give her a hug, then I kiss the top of her head.

After I meet Bodhi, Nikki comes to give me kiss. I feel guilty for kissing and going back to how things were, but it has to be. I can't pause my life for her, and she shouldn't either. 

I force myself to think of the pros of being here, for one I get to be with my daughter and we get to be a family. I also get to have sex with my wife, who I love but I don't think I am in love with her. I don't even know if I was ever in love with her.  

I go on Instagram and I see that Shaun and Nina are on a date. I feel jealous that I can't go on the date with her, instead of that guy. I want to run and ask her to break up with him for me, but then I realize that I am married. I don't want to be in this marriage but I need to for Bodhi, she needs both her parents. 

"Ian! Can you help me in the kitchen please, Bodhi is hungry" Nikki yells waking me from my thoughts. Being the great husband I am I go to the kitchen. 

"Already here." I lean down to kiss her cheek.

"Not now Ian, Bodhi is right there." She whispers. "Help me make this pasta."

I spend the next hour cooking with Nikki, even though I tell myself this isn't right I keep imagining that I am with Nina. It was so bad that I almost called her Nina. I don't even know if I am being faithful to Nikki anymore, I can't keep having thoughts of her. 

"I... I... Nikki we should talk" Ian what the hell are you doing I say to myself, don't you dare bring up a divorce. 

"Talk about what, Bayou?" She then starts laughing, it sounds so genuine and I don't want to ruin it.

I force a laugh "Very funny... No tell me how have you been" I couldn't say it, I couldn't bring myself to say it. How could I ever say I want a divorce to someone so nice, she has done so much for me. She even gave birth to Bodhi earlier then she wanted to, because she was in love. Have I been using Nikki to get what I want all these years? Have I even been a good husband? Did I ever mean the 'I love you' to her? 

"Ian... Ian" I wake up from my thoughts again and talk to Nikki. It was nice talking to her, but I go to sleep feeling more guilty then ever. I really can't divorce such a amazing person for a relationship with Nina that might not even happen. 

 Do you think that Ian and Nina are being unfair to their partners? Is it ok for them to continue being in a relationship with they are in love with another. Comment!!!! 

Thank you guys so much for reading, please continue to vote and comment. Don't be a silent reader, at least vote. Its the star at the top. I love all of your guys comments! Ok now for the sad news: I might not update for a while, because I have exams but I gave you guys a update earlier then I usually would! The bright side right? Nothing bright about having do exams but wish me luck.

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