Chapter Fourteen

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Nina's POV

Have you ever heard the term 'right person, wrong time', that's what we were Our love was strong enough to last almost a decade without each other. We have now been seeing each other for three months, just talking and going on fun dates. He has been showing me his new bourbon company which he has worked really hard on and I have been showing him my wine company. It's funny that we both have liquor businesses, I would never consider us alcoholics but we just have a fine taste for all that.  No one knows that we are together, for our friends and family we are just mourning over or past heartbreak. We still haven't made our relationship official, we haven't slept together yet. The truth is that it has been the last on our mind; obviously, we are attracted to each other but something about talking to him for hours is what makes me fall deeper in love with him. 

I am nervous for today, three months of waiting would do that to you. When I was younger, I would crave perfection but now all I want is happiness. The truth is our relationship was no close to perfect, like all humans we had our ups and downs. I am not a believer in fate and soulmates, but meeting Ian after all this time has allowed me to reconsider. 

I am wearing a lacy black shirt with flared jeans. I put thought in my outfit not just because it's a date but because today is the night he is going to mine again. The thought makes me angsty, nervous and excited. 

I hear Ian's car outside. I make my way to the door so that he doesn't have to get out. That has been our thing, we have fallen in the comfortable routine of him coming over to pick me up and I get in without him coming out the car. 

"Hey you!" My smolder says, he is looking at me with such intensity probably because of what will happen tonight. 

"Hey" I whisper not wanting to stop his gaze and break this moment. He leans in to kiss me, and I can feel electric shocks throughout my entire body. We are not kids anymore, and yet he looks better than ever. I believe he truly is a vampire, all his lines on his face remind me of how wise he is.  His kisses overwhelm me and I kiss with the same intensity; I just need him. It's been too long, I don't remember how he feels inside me. 

"Wait..." I say, not because I want it to stop "Not in a car Ian... we have waited all this long a few more hours will do you no harm. " I smirk

"You are the one's who couldn't keep your hands of me!" He says in his accusatory voice

"You kissed me first smolder, don't even try and go there" 

"Okay okay, Miss Dobrev sorry if I am being annoying I just can't help it. I also cannot wait to show you the surprise I have planned for us!" He grins, it makes him look so much younger. He looks free and at ease. 

I smile in response, and get of his lap to sit in the car seat beside him. We drive, we talk, we laugh, we sing, we eat and do everything but we still have not arrived at our destination. 

"Ian how many more minutes, I can't wait any longer"  

"1 more hour Neens, eager are we?" 

"You have been saying that for the past 2 hours! Seriously Ian, we have been in the car for 5 hours." 

"Ok I may have forgotten to mention it is a far drive. We will stop at a hotel in an hour and then we will get back in the car early morning" What? Now I am confused?  

"A hotel? Where are we going? Ian I didn't pack for this! You should have given me a warni-" He shuts me up by closing my mouth with his finger. He smells so manly and of bourbon, I want him. 

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