Why am I here?

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All my life I've been skinny and thought that I was just "naturally skinny" and it was all fine. Until I realized it was dangerous and I was literally a bag of bones sewn together loosely with flesh. But long before I came to my senses, I got into the world of feederism and vore.

It started 6 years ago when I was 12 or so. I stumbled upon feederism and vore, and enjoyed reading all the stories and looking at pictures, imagining myself as the feedee getting stuffed full, laying on the couch after a big meal, digesting it. Sometimes I pictured myself as the feeder, feeding a hot guy, watching all the food disappear into his stomach. It made no difference to me, it was still hot either way.

However, I was shames for having this fetish. I never told anyone, but everyone's reactions to it was just a bunch of laughter. "How could anyone find that hot?!" They said as I laughed along with them, trying to hide my urges.

For the next few years, I hid it. I covered it up. I tried not to look it up at all, just in case I were to become obsessed with it. I didn't want this fetish. I didn't ask for it. So I was trying to repress it.

Until just last year. I accepted who I was and what I was into. No more being shameful of these things. I opened up about it, and suprisingly some guys that were interested in me that I told this to, were supportive. They didn't find it weird and understood that you couldn't control your urges. It made me feel accepted, and then I got right back into the fetish, reading and consuming (ha) artwork potraying feederism (and vore).

So, after quite a while, I have confidence to be on here and make this journal! I've always wanted to try something like this, but have been too embarrassed to do so.

But I don't know if I'll be accepted here, because I'm super skinny and it's hard for me to gain. I can't just go in and eat a 3000 calorie meal. :((

So yeah, that's why I'm here! If you have some questions, feel free to ask! I'm here for you. ❤

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