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Hi I'm back! The last few months have been super stressful on me, as I graduated high school and have found a full time job!

Anyway, y'all don't wanna hear about that. Let's get to the good stuff.

I only really kept 2 extra pounds since then. So I'm around 102/103lbs lately. That's still a good 8 pounds up since last year (I'm a hard gainer remember).

Anyway, at my dads house, we aren't allowed to each very much. We're very restricted and have to ask when to eat snacks and have certain foods for snacks (which don't have a ton of calories). That's really held me back from gaining more. However, I'm moving out of there soon, so I'll be at my moms, where I have no restrictions and lots of great foods.

I've been making this shake that I dub the gainer shake. I use chocolate icecream, heavy whipping cream, hot Carmel, hot fudge, peanut butter, and whip cream. Sometimes I put Twix and crunch in their as well.

I have no idea what calories are in there, but I know it's a lot. I love the feeling of that thick liquid slipping down my throat into my stomach. I feel so bloated at the end and look 4 months pregnant haha.

My butt has gotten really shapely though for some reason. Like, I look around at people who are the same weight/height as me, and their butts are legit flat. Mine is like, round (still small lol), and I don't work out at all. I could show y'all a pic one day, if u guys really want.

I can't wait until I get more weight on me. My butt is going to look amazing.

Since I'm almost 18, I'm thinking about maybe making an account for this somewhere and making money off of this. People can buy me meals, and I'll try stuffing myself in front of the camera. It'll be super motivating, and I'll probably quickly pack on the pounds hehe.

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