The Third Night

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"I like chameleons." Atsushi confessed

"Why?" Akutagawa asked.

"Because I wanted to be one, my whole life."


"Because they can hide anywhere, like I always wanted to."

"From who?"

"The headmaster of the orphanage".

"...Was it that bad..?"

"Yeah... he once made me hammer a nail into my foot. I refused to do it, as I was only 11 at the time, so he did it himself".



The third night was reserved for trauma, and trauma only.


" I hate dogs". Akutagawa said, after some time.


"One bit me when I was very young, I still have a scar. I don't understand how Chuuya-san likes them..."

Atsushi hesitated, he didn't know if he should ask, but curiosity got the better of him. "Can I see it?"

Akutagawa didn't respond with words. He simply sat up, and rashomon removed the clothing from his leg, right below his knee, to reveal a set of tooth mark scars, on both sides of his leg. "I was barely 8 at the time. Gin gave me a towel and wrapped my leg in bandages. She didn't do a very good job, as she was still younger than me, but it stopped the bleeding, after a while."

" I thought you disliked them because Dazai-san dislikes them..?"

"Oh, yes, that's another reason". Akutagawa agreed .

"Tell me something that you do like."

"Figs and tea."


"Because I used to eat them all the time in the slums. And tea is ..relaxing..."


That's when they decided to remain quiet for the rest of the night. Atsushi already has a few tears falling down his face when he remembered the torture of the headmaster, but luckily Akutagawa didn't say anything. Or he didn't notice.

Akutagawa didn't show any expression, although he was saddened by Atsushi's trauma. Not that he would say it out loud, but he cared for him. Always threatening to kill him, but he ends up saving him anyways. So Aku just agreed that he does care for the Jinko, but not enough to stop the bickering, fighting and threats.

They stayed there, until Gin called Akutagawa at around 3am, asking if he will come home. He reluctantly agreed, and left without a word. Atsushi soon followed, down the black metal stairs, and to his shared dorm with Kyouka.

A/N: thanks for reading. :)

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