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Hey baddies you guys are amazing ily😋

Lana sat in class the next day. She was nervous, her hands picked at her zipper and bitting her nails. Switching back and forth. Ever since she ran into her professor and it was the most awkward thing she has ever experienced, Lana has been on edge with going to class.

Everyone was patiently waiting on the professor to show up. As Lana was just about to stand up the doors down below her pushed open reveling her professor. His hair was messy, he was fixing his cloak as he strolled in. He looked like he just had 5 rounds, Lana thought to herself Before Her stomach turned as he sat down his bag on the table.

"Ah hello, now I am sure you all have at least part of your paper done," he fixed his collar and lanas mouth dropped open. She forgot to start her paper! Fuck, this is what I get for going out.

"I want you all to finish it today in class after our lecture." He finished as she almost gagged. Lana had never missed an assignment. She can't write a paper in 30 minutes? Can she? 

"For the next few weeks we will be talking about epic poems." The professor shot a glance at Lana who was staring nervously at him. He chuckled a bit before carrying on "Can anyone tell me your favorite epic poem?" He asked as the brown headed girl in the front of the class with very arranged pencils on her desk shot up her hand in the air.

Professor Malfoy nodded before she started "OS Lusiadas." She smiled as Lana rolled her eyes at her tone of voice. She hated girls who sucked up to the teacher.

"You." He pointed in the back as Lana shot up but Cole started talking. He was pointing to Cole, Lana thought not you. Relax.

"Man you know I don't really read poetry." Cole layed back as the professor scoffed putting his head down leaning against the desk. Lana noticed the veins that shot through his wrist as he calmly layed against.

"Well.." Cole was waiting for a response but seems like professor Malfoy was waiting for one too "you have a phone for gods sakes. Pull it out." Malfoy bowed his hand as the whole class laughed.

After a few seconds Lana leaned over seeing Coles phone screen in front of her, he was on google "Ah! Got it... Um the Aeneid." He looked up as the professor was already walking up the isle way to Cole.

"Mhm great choice for the top thing on the screen, now hand me your phone." The professor leaned over holding out his palm as Cole sat up with confusion on his face.

"What!? But you said-"

"You have your phone out not me." The professor smirked as Cole groaned standing up putting the phone on his hand before Malfoy walked away laying the phone on a random students desk "Take care of that for me." He patted the phone before walking away.

"Oh my god!" Cole exclaimed as the whole class bursted out in laugher.

The girl who had coles phone held it up waving it in the air while the professor turned his back. Lana noticed Cole sticking out his tongue right back at the girl. 

Over the period of class Lana would find herself staring at the professor. Not in a creepy way, but she found him attractive. Definitely. I mean who could not love a man with blonde hair and grey blue eyes? When she was staring he looked up staring at the girl too.

She found her stomach doing those stupid butterflies when they would make eye contact. She hated it. She had a boyfriend for fucks sake! Lana, you have a boyfriend. It's just one of those stupid things where you think they are cute.

From time to time she would look over to her boyfriend who was not working on his paper but in his art.

Once class finished Lana quickly turned in her paper running out of class wanting to get out of there. She couldn't take the teachers gaze anymore. She couldn't take the grin he gave her when they would meet eyes.

As she was stepping into the grass for some air someone was calling her name. A woman, her mum. She was walking to her, bag clutched in her hand. Her suit fit perfectly on her body with nothing under it as her hair long curly blonde was parted to the side completely. "Mum?" She asked in disbelief as she pulled her mum close to her.

"Now I wanted to stop by and see you since I was in town for a business trip." She smiled as Lana was in complete disbelief.

"I- well let's go have dinner! I missed you so much!" Lana hugged her mother again as they both smiled.

"Of course , I have reservations at a restaurant for 7, so get cleaned up and I will meet you at your dorm." Her mum pulled away as Lana was beaming with excitement. She never really sees her mum because of her mother's job, it involves a lot of traveling so when she sees her it's very special.

But her mum never just shows up randomly? It's weird. Lana knows her mum has to say something. Hopefully she does it at dinner.

"Okay love you." Lana smiled trying to wipe the confusion off of her face. Her mum nodded walking away as Lana quickly ran back in the halls. She didn't know why her mum was here which freaked her out even more.

"Lana!" Someone shouted as she turned "Whats wrong?" Harry called running closer with his sketch pad in hand.

"My mum is here." She admitted as his face turned concerned. Like Lana is right now.

"I thought-"

"Yeah me too." She mumbled as her back hit the wall. Lana was now worried. Worried for what her mother is going to say or spring out like when she visited and told her she was getting married again. It's always something, a marriage, or a fucking trip, or a man. Something. It always has to be something for her to be pulled to her daughter.

"I'm sorry Lana, do you want me to come?" He asked as her head shook against his chest.

"No.. it's okay." Shes terrified that whatever this is, it won't be good.

"Uh class!" A teacher called as Lana looked over seeing professor Malfoy standing shooing them away.

"Right sorry." Harry mumbled now realizing this must not be a great place to pour your feelings. They got up scurrying away.


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