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Shits ab to go down bitchesss😍🙌🏻🙌🏻😍😍

"Shit shit!" Lana shouted as she woke up. Harry layed beside her in the bed snoring like a baby. She must've slept over, this was not supposed to happen because she never does this so she is never late for class.

"Lana not nowwww." Harry groaned turning over but she whipped off the covers as Harry sat up.

"We have class." She mumbled as Harry's eyes rolled. They quickly shuffled around the apartment as Lana brushed her teeth and Harry was taking his sweet time making coffee. "Harry get in here and brush your teeth! You don't need coffee get it at the school!" Lana shouted spitting out her toothpaste. She heard his shuffling in the kitchen as he laughed.

"Lana I don't know if you know but I zero fucks about that poetry class." Harry laughed as the coffee maker went off sending Harry back across the kitchen whistling taking it off of the hot surface.

Lana hung to the door frame rolling her eyes as she stuffed her feet into her heals from last night. Shit I am going to have to go to class in this. She thought.

"Okay let's roll." Harry called as they ran down the hallways and in a matter of seconds they were out of the doors and up the sidewalks. Luckily school was only 1 block away so they made it there fast but not fast enough.

Lana took a deep breath closing her eyes before opening them back up and opening the double doors to hear professor Malfoy giving a lecture "So of course he wrote it to really portray- Ah miss Owens and acrostic boy you two are late." He smiled as Lana tried to think of an excuse.

"Sorry." She muttered as they walked to the separate ends of the classroom. She shielded herself from her classmates glares at her as she layed her books down. The whole room is silent as the professor is waiting on Lana and Harry to sit down and start listening.

"Now as I was saying..." the professors words drifted off as lana was thinking. Her professor saw her outburst at the restaurant last night and her leaving. Her sudden show up In the middle of a lecture. This is horrible for Lana and how badly it has effected her look on her professor. She needs to talk to him after class.

Everyone quickly started on an assignment but all she was focused on was talking to her teacher. She was thinking on what to say or how to approach it.

Oh you could say 'hey I am a great student and I do not deserve the absent'

Oh and this is a good one 'I'm a great student don't count me absent' she laughed.

Fuck who am I kidding. She thought to herself.

Class ended as Harry nodded for her to leave but she told him she would be late and don't wait for her. Once everyone was cleared out of the classroom Lana made to pack up extra slow and walk down.

Her body carried her to the desk as the professor looked up at the girl. "Professor Malfoy?"

"Call me Draco." He demanded.

"I don't know if that's necessary-"

"Teachers orders love." He spoke softly, with care standing up towering over the girl. Lana now noticed how tall he is and how small she feels around him.

"Um Draco," she breathed as he grinned "I just wanted to make it clear that I am a good student and I never miss a class I just-"

The professor quickly cut her off leaning against the desk a bit "I know, well with what you said at the restaurant last night," He finished for her "It's no worries, we all have our own problems outside of college." He replied as she let out a breath of relief.

"Okay great, am I still counted absent since I was basically in class." She chuckled as the professor looked down, grinning.

"No no," he looked up meeting her eyes as lanas stomach did a backflip as they made eye contact "You are still absent." He flipped back his jacket sitting down.

"Great okay." She walked away as the professor took a deep breath starting to write something down.

She was almost touching the handle when he spoke up again "Have a good day, Lana." He announced behind her as he was still writing. Lana nodded walking out of the room calmly but she quickly ran down the hall and to the bathroom breathing heavily.

She didn't know what was going on. Her teachers or professors have always hated her calling them by their first names. And love, Lana couldn't be ever so curious why he called her love?!

"Lana?" Rachel asked walking in with her cute collared shirt and skirt Lana helped fold into her closet just yesterday.

"Oh my god you will never fucking believe what just happened." Lana breathed as she rubbed her temples trying to calm down. "He called me love!" She met Rachel's eyes as Rachel looked confused "My professor Rachel! My fucking professor!"

"No fucking way." Rachel laughed "Girl you could get like straight fucking a's and you wouldn't have to do anything," Rachel pushed her arm a bit jealous of her friend.

"No! Oh my god Rachel how am I supposed to walk in tomorrow?" Lana frowned.

"Be the bad bitch you are, show up and act like it didn't bother you or didn't cross your mind." Rachel smirked.

"Fuck- yeah yeah that's what I am going to do- I have a boyfriend for fucks sakes! What am I doing?" Lana laughed now realizing.

"It's fine don't worry, I am sorry , I know you hated that, I have to go to class but catch me more up later hm?" Rachel started walking out as Lana nodded.

It's the fact that Lana didn't even hate or even close to hate that word rolling off her professors tongue. She liked it. She likes the boldness of him, the way he just called her that. His eyes, pure want glistening against hers. She liked the word love out of professor Malfoy and that's the thing, Lana didn't know what to do about that or how to get it out of her mind.

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