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I hit writers block on this story so I'm sorry that this was slow, and it will start picking back up in a bit. This was just a filler😍

As Lanas neck healed, which didn't take as much time because Draco used spells and narcissa had serums stored away that helped. Lana left the house in 2 days, she wanted to leave as fast as she could. She didn't care if her neck hurt, she didn't want to be in that house.

As Draco and Lana arrived back at the flat, he layed his stuff down as she stood awkwardly, waiting for something to happen that wasn't going to happen.

"I am going back to my dorm." She finally broke the silence as he looked up confused.

"Are we okay? I mean you can go back to your dorm but it seems like you are mad." He said as he layed in bed but Lana stayed standing as she clutched to her jacket.

"We are fine, I love you I will see you later." She smiled faintly walking out of the room before he could even get a word out.

Her feet moved fast as she ran out of the tall building and down the roads as thoughts raced through her mind.

His father.

How he didn't tell her that his father wouldn't like her.

That he didn't tell her that his father is aggressive and almost a killer.

So many thoughts and predictions about Draco Malfoy went through her head as she ran through the busy sidewalks of London. Her head was pounding but she kept walking, In her own thoughts.

"Shit sorry." She mumbled after bumping into someone as they both looked at eachother.

"Cole." She smiled as he looked awkward seeing Lana the first time in a while, especially with everything that has happened between them.

"Lana, hey how are you doing?" He asked as they pushed off against a building as busy people passed by.

"I'm okay." She said softly looking down as he nodded slowly "how are you?" She asked looking back up meeting his eyes again.

"Great, I'm great. You know Um Harry and Rachel broke up." He said unexpectedly as Lanas eyes went wide from surprise, she hadn't really thought about Harry and Rachel that much lately.

"Okay well that's disappointing I guess. Send them flowers from me." She laughed almost about to walk away but he turned her back around now looking serious.

"He misses you." He said finally as she took a deep breath.

"I don't know what you want me to say to that," she laughed "I don't miss him so It was great seeing you and I will see you back in class." She smiled turning around before he could catch up to her Lana was already weaving through the crowds to the bookstore.

The bell chimed as she sank against the glass Inside, she didn't even need to come, she doesn't even have money. She just needed somewhere to go where people weren't bugging her all the time.

"Can I help you with anything?" The front desk Lady said, A different one from the other times Lana has been.

"No- no I am fine, thank you." Lana stood back up as she walked to the back of the bookstore surrounded by the old books that comfort her so much.

She looked around for a while, it calmed her down a lot. She wasn't thinking about what happened and draco. She was only reading and in peace, finally after a while.

She picked out a few books as she bought them and headed back out to grab some coffee and go back to her dorm.

As she unlocked it she stepped in seeing Rachel on her bed. She was cuddled up with blankets, pillows, and a computer that played sounds like she was watching a movie.

"Oh sorry." Lana spoke softly as she set her coffee down on her desk that had dust collecting and laying her coat on her bed.

"It's fine." She mumbled obviously still heartbroken about her breakup with Harry.

"I'm sorry- about the breakup. I heard." Lana said nicely as she put things away and grabbed a few things along with her movements.

"Oh, it's okay. Thank you though." She said as they sat in the room in silence. Lana was still scrummaging through her stuff as Rachel spoke up again "how are you?" Second time Lana Owens has been asked that today and she doesn't know how to lie another time.

"I'm ok." She nodded as Rachel closed the laptop sitting up. Her hair was tangled and her clothes looked dirty.

"I know when you lie Lana but in that case, I am doing great as well," She said sarcastically as she threw her feet over the bed as they dangled. "I know we aren't best of friends anymore but you can talk. To me."

"It's just been very hectic and stressful." She brushed her legs as she took a breath before picking up her bag that she had packed in the time they had been talking.

"Same, well I will see you later." She layed back in bed opening the laptop as Lana nodded awkwardly.

"Mhm." She smiled as she opened the door walking back out of the dorm.

Next chap will be good I promise😫

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