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Bella POV

   Why did he have to do that to me? I was putting my foot down this time and then he kissed me knowing, for a fact, that it would throw me off big time. I watched him walk gracefully to the door at the end of the hall. I realize that he had a hoodie on to protect his skin from the sun. I knew that if I ran and jumped on his back he would catch me before my feet touched the ground.

    I turned to walk to class and noticed that there was no one to be seen. Where is everyone? I pulled out my iPhone and clicked it on. 11:38. WHAT!? Class had started 10 minutes ago. Who cares if i miss half a day? I have great grades and I haven't missed that much.  I turned and saw that Edward had slowed his steps so now he was just passing the last class in the hallway. Before I knew what I was doing, I was at the end of the hall jumping on his back.

   "Love, I thought you wanted me to go? I thought I was going to hunt?" He questioned pulling me from where I was on his back to holding me like a baby.

   "I do, but I thought why not be with my super hot boyfriend before he leaves me," I say smiling up at him, breathing in his sweet scent as he carries me to his car. He opened the door of the backseat and sets me down before pulling the seatbelt out. I put on my best puppy dog face and he kisses me passionately pushing himself over me and closing the door all in one swift move.

   "Okay you two! Stop being so lovey dovey back there or I may just throw up." I heard a familiar voice say from the front of the car.  I jumped seeing Alice in the review mirror, as Edward pulls me into his embrace.

   "What's the matter? Are you okay? Alice drive!" he commands Alice, still holding on to me.

   "Nothing is the matter. Alice just scared the crap out of me. I thought you drove here and you were putting me in the back like a baby or something." I said as Edward loosens his grib on my body. "How are you today Alice?"

   "Fine until I had to leave Jasper and come find this idiot." she replies japping her thumb in Edward's direction.

   "Where are we going?" I ask Edward as I notice that we are headed in the wrong direction of my house.

   "We are going to my house."

   "No take me home. You have to go hunt. I want your eyes to be there beautiful topaz color again." As i mention his eyes he immediately looks to the floorboard.

   "I will. I'll just go close to the house and be back at your place after Charlie goes to sleep." He replies not looking me in the eyes.

   "No, you are going to go hunt with Carlisle." I say with more force than I meant.
Edward POV
   The rest of the car ride was quiet besides me begging Bella to let me go and hunt close so I could see her tonight. When we arrives at her house Alice stayed in the car while I escorted Bella to her front door to ask her one more time if I could come back later.

   "Edward I swear if you ask me that one more time I'm locking my windows so you can never come back in." she said with all the frustration showing in her voice. "I love you with all my heart, but stay away from me tonight."

   "Okay, but I love you and don't want to leave you alone. You are going to be on my mind the entire time I'm gone." I explained.

   She stood on her tip toes to meet my cheek with her warm, wet lips. "I love you, but leave."

   I gave her my best puppy dog look, but she ignored it and went in the house. I waited there for a few seconds hoping that she would rush back to the door and jump into my arms.

   I could hear her heart beat as I walked back to the car. I was planning on going with Alice to the house where she would let me out and then I would just double back around and get into Bella's house before she really did lock the windows. I would hid in here closet or under her bed until she went to sleep then I would come out and hold her in my arms all night long.

   "Edward you better change your mind right now or I'm calling Bella and telling her to lock her windows right now." Alice commanded as I slide into the passenger seat of the car.

   "Fine, fine."

   "Good." There was a long silence before Alice broke it as we made our way up our long drive way. "Carlisle and the others will be waiting for you just outside of Seattle."

   "Okay, will you keep a close eye on Bella tonight while I'm gone. And if you talk to her tell her tomorrow we are spending the day together. I'll pick her up at noon." Alice was nodding the entire time I was talking because of course she already knew this.

   "Go." she said. I took off running with Bella, my love, my world, my everything at the front of my mind.

Hey guys. Tell me if I can improve on anything or if I should just stop writing this story. I would love to hear some feedback.

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