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Edward POV

   When we arrived at my house I immediately took Bella to my room and went to find Jasper. "Jasper, Alice needs you back at Bella's house. Someone came to get her and Alice, thank god, was there before they could take her. They tore the house up pretty bad. Just make sure that everything is back to where it goes." I told Jasper as I reached him the garage.

   "Okay. Is Alice okay? And Bella, is she okay?" he questioned putting up the tools he had out.

   "Yeah, I think that she will be fine. And Alice is a vampire for crying out loud of course she's fine." I replied giving him a confused look.

   After he left, I went to go check on Bella. She was right where I left her. I cover her up and lay on the bed beside her.

*2:30 in the morning*
   "Edward." my love mumbled rubbing her small hands across the bed searching for my body.

   "Yes, love." I said grabbing her torso pulling her warm body into my chest.

   "Where am I?"

   "You are at my house, in my bed, in my embrace." I whisper in her ear. She started crying. "Love, what's the matter?"

   "I-I didn't think I would ever see you a-again." she replied twisting around in my arms laying her head against my chest. I held her a little bit tighter before she spoke again. "E-Edward, I'm really cold." That's when I realized that I had carried her in the cold in nothing but her tank top and underwear.

   "Okay. I'll go get you a shirt and some pajama pants." I replied slidding off the bed going to my cloest and grabbing her a shirt she would be comfortable in. I quickly raced to Alice's room and grabbed her some fuzzy pants.

   "Here, love, let me help you." I said slidding back into my spot on the bed. I carefully helped her with the shirt, trying hard not to accidentally bump her bruises. She reached for the pants and put them on under the big queen size comforter. "Nice and warm now?" I ask before pulling her back into my embrace again. She nods her head before falling back into her deep slumber.

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