Chapter Two

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I woke up with a smile on my face, excited for the days events yet to come, and to see what Josh had planned for us. Don’t go thinking I like him now. He’s a friend, that’s it, but since I liked the date yesterday, I figured that I would like it just as much today.

I took a quick shower, got dressed and did both my makeup and hair before heading downstairs for breakfast.

“Morning ‘Liv, how was your date with Josh last night?” Riley asked me as he was preparing his pancakes.

The heat rose to my cheeks and I looked down at my feet, trying to hide the smile that followed my flushed cheeks. “It was fun, we went ice skating.”

“I see that smile. He may be my best friend, and you my sister, but I’m still glad that you had fun, although I’m still not sure how much I can trust him with you. Are you excited for tonight?”

“I’m exciting to see what he has planned, but I’m not looking forward to the drama that is soon to follow.” I stood up to put my bowl of fruit loops in the dishwasher and felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Taking it out and pressing the green answer button, I heard Amy on the other line, “are you ready for school? Can I come pick you up? We need to talk about your date last night.”

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. “You too? Riley just asked me about it. Why can’t I drive myself?”

I heard a sarcastic laugh on the other side of the line, “you know you wouldn’t come, don’t try to fool me. I’ll be at your house in 15 minutes. Be ready.”

The line went dead before I had a chance to tell her no, which was probably her idea.

I told Riley what was happening since he usually drove me to school, and headed outside once I heard Amy honk her horn.

A few minutes later, we pulled up to our favorite cafe and headed inside to order. We both ordered a hot chocolate, our usual, before finding a table near the window. I knew that she was waiting for me to explain so I avoided her eye contact until our drinks came.

She cleared her throat, “tell me all about it.”

I knew that I wouldn’t be able to get out of it, so I told her every detail about my date with Josh, up until the smile that wouldn’t leave my face when I went to bed.


During lunch, Amy and I were talking about how excited we were for a new episode of our favorite show to come out, when Josh sat down beside me, slinging an arm over my shoulder.

“Hey gorgeous, what are you guys talking about?”

I blushed under his gaze, shifting in my seat.

“Our favorite TV show, we were talking about how excited we are for the new episode to come on tonight,” Amy responded, thankfully. I was too choked up to say anything.

“Well then, I guess I’ll just have to plan our date around that,” Josh sent a wink my way, pulling me closer to him.

“I’m going to go find Alex, you two have fun!” Amy walked away, laughing to herself. She always seemed to leave me alone at the worst times.

I tried to shrug his arm off my shoulder and scoot a few inches farther away, but he wouldn’t let me. “Everyone is looking at us,” I murmured, glancing around us.

As soon as those words left my mouth, Alissa, the queen bee of the school got up from her table and started to head our way. I elbowed Josh, and he looked her way, grumbling something about being annoying under his breath.

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