Chapter Six

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"Hey Olivia," Amy greeted me as she opened her front door. "Come on in."

We headed to her room, she sat on her bed and I took a beanbag on the floor.

"You're doing it tonight, right?"

"Yes. I feel bad making him wait, and honestly, I don't want to wait either. I never thought that I could like him this quickly, but I guess I have known him for years, just never really known him well." I was planning on telling Josh how I felt tonight on our date. We were doing something simple, probably just dinner and a movie which would be relaxing after a week full of eventful dates.

"I'm so excited. You have to call me and tell me what happens once you get home tonight! My best friend will be dating one of the hottest guys in the school tomorrow," she squealed.

Rolling my eyes, I replied, "he might not like me anymore. I hope that he does, but it's a possibility. This could all be some sick joke, just like in middle school."

In middle school, the guy that I had a huge crush on found out. He acted like he liked me, letting me hang out with him at lunch and during classes. His friends would always laugh when we were together, but I just figured it was because boys laugh at everything at the age. Later, I found out that it was because he never liked me. It was all a joke to embarrass me. That was only one of the many embarrassing moments of my middle school years.

"Oh. Olivia, Josh is different. If only you could see the way that he looks at you. It's like you're the only one in the world. I love it. If only Alex looked at me like that. We've been together for a while, but I feel like you and Josh already have a better connection than I do with Alex, but I guess some people just do." She moved so she was laying down on her stomach.

"I can't wait for you to admit your feelings. I can't wait to see you finally happy. You've been through enough and you deserve someone like Josh who will make you happy, just like you are when you're with him."

I couldn't help the smile that broke out onto my face as she started talking about him.

"I really hope so. I know it's soon, but I really do like him. I've always thought he was attractive when I saw him with Riley, but I never thought he would like someone like me."

Conversation stayed on Alex and Josh for a few more minutes before she asked me about our essay for english, and I told her I did the rough draft.

"You're such a nerd," the smile dropped from my face, "but I still love you!" I know I'm a nerd, a geek, anything like that, but I've always hated being called that. It brings back too many memories of middle school.

Amy looked over and saw my face, "what's wrong?" She paused and realized what she said. "Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, it just slipped out. It's not a bad thing, don't even worry about it. Just ignore that I said it."

I told her it was okay, and we decided to watch a movie while we wait for my date tonight. We watched The Notebook, but I couldn't seem to focus on it. My mind just kept wandering back to Josh.

What if he doesn't like me? What if I tell him I like him and he laughs at me? I start arguing with myself. I know he likes me, at least a little bit. He can't fake the way he acts around me, but then again, we've never kissed. I was really hoping that my first kiss would be with him.

By the time the movie is over, it's almost time for me to head over to Josh's. He said that his mom was out on a date, so we would be having our date at his house.

I checked out my appearance in the mirror before telling Amy that I was leaving for Josh's house.

She came running downstairs, "make sure you call me when you're done. Don't be scared to tell him, you're a wonderful person and all those stupid middle schoolers were just jealous of you."

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