Chapter Four

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"Good Morning," my mom greeted me as I walked down the stairs after my shower.

"Why aren't you at work yet?" She was an accountant and she usually left for work before I even got up in the mornings.

"I wanted to see how all your dates have been this week." I popped two pieces of toast in the toaster and she flashed me a smile, clearly everyone is surprised that I have been going on dates.

"Is it that big of a deal?" This would probably be my third time reciting them.

"It is, you're my little girl! How do you feel about him? I've always loved him when he would come over to play video games with Riley."

I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable with telling my mom my feelings. "He's making a huge effort to make sure that we do things I love." I spread peanut butter and jam on my toast, before replying, "it is a little odd though considering he's Riley's best friend."

"What's going on here? You're talking about me behind my back? How rude," Riley's voice came behind me and I spun around to find him, messy hair and wrinkled clothing. Unlike me, he showered right before we left because he took five minute showers, or less.

"How did you sleep?" My mom asked with a smile on her face. She has always enjoyed greeting us in the mornings, but she hadn't been able to as much since she left before we got up and by the time she got home, we were normally too busy doing homework.

"Pretty good actually. I'm pumped for our game tonight." He had a lazy smile on his face, like he was half-asleep, which he probably was.

"Are you guys coming?" He made his way to the refrigerator, grabbing the orange juice and drinking straight from the carton.

"Eww," my mom and I said in unison, our faces scrunching up in disgust.

"There's a cup right there," I told him, pointing a few inches past his elbow where his cup was sitting on the counter.

"It's not that gross, we're twins."

"So? I don't want the germs of the girls that you kiss in my juice."

He paused what he was doing, "well I never thought about it that way..." he trailed off.

I rolled my eyes, this is why I'm the smarter twin.

Riley shrugged and continued what he was saying before I interrupted him, "so are either of you coming to the game tonight? It's one of our last home games."

"I'll be there with Amy, cheering you on, just like every other game." I saw his eyes light up as I said this. He hated to admit it, but he loved having someone there to cheer him on.


"I can't honey, I'm really sorry. I got invited to a banquet tonight." Riley looked forlorn, my mom rarely came to his games. Which is exactly why I went to every one of them.

"It's alright," he mumbled before straightening out his back and smiling at my mom. I knew my mom was dedicated to work, but sometimes I wished that she would make a better effort to come to his games and be involved in our lives.


My lunchtime was supposed to be relaxing, but instead I had Amy on my shoulder crying because she got into an argument with Alex, and girls glaring at me from all directions. Amy and Alex would probably make up either later tonight, or tomorrow, they always did.

I smiled as Josh made his way over, happy to have someone to talk to other than blubbering Amy. His smile faltered a bit as he saw Amy. Before he could speak, I waved him off, mouthing, "I'll tell you later."

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