Chapter Five

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I rolled out of bed, half-asleep, when I felt my phone vibrate on my nightstand.

“What?” I grumbled into the phone, too tired to look at the name.

“I thought you were a morning person. It’s seven, I’ll be there around eight thirty to pick you up. There’s going to be an hour drive or so to where we’re going. You can sleep on the car ride there if you want.” Josh’s voice made its way through to my ears.

“It’s too early for this,” I mumbled, getting back into my bed, bringing my phone with me.

“I thought you’d say that. Riley is going to come in there with a bucket of water soon if you don’t get up. I don’t think you want to be late. It’s one of your favorite places.” I heard him laughing on the other side. He must have been up for a while because he sounded wide awake.

“He wouldn’t dare, would he?”

“You can answer that, you know your brother pretty well. I’ll see you in less than two hours. I can’t wait to see your gorgeous face again!” Josh replied, before hanging up.

I put my phone down and heard Riley’s footsteps coming down the hall. How did he find out so fast? I know him well enough that he would dump water on me if he was told to. I gathered up all my strength and threw the blankets off my body. The cold air enveloped my body and I shivered before getting up and stepping on the ground. Perfect timing because as soon as I did that, Riley walked in. 

“I’m up, I’m up. There’s no need to dump anything on me!” He had a bucket in his hands which was filled with water and what I presumed was ice cubes.

“Good, now get in the shower. You don’t want to be late for your date with Josh.”

I shuffled to the bathroom, but before I entered, I asked Riley, “what should I wear? You probably know where we’re going.”

He thought for a minute before walking into my closet and looking through some clothes. He pulled out my white, lace sundress and put it on my bed, telling me to pair it with a sweater and something comfortable to walk in.

After I showered, I started on my hair and makeup. I put my hair up into a curly bun and put a headband in my hair to make it look a little nicer. I kept my makeup pretty simple, but added a little wing to my eyeliner. I paired my dress with a grey sweater and white converse. I also added a necklace, one that Amy had gotten me for my birthday this year.

I headed downstairs to start on breakfast after I grabbed an over-the-shoulder purse with my wallet in it.

“Good morning Olivia.” Riley greeted me with a big smile. He even had biscuits and gravy cooked and waiting for me.

“What’s the special occasion?” I asked, curious. He could cook pretty well, but he rarely did it.

“You got up at a decent time without having to be forced.” He glanced over at me, smiling, “and I thought I would start off your day good because it’s just going to keep getting better.”

He was totally tempting me because he knew that I had never been a fan of surprises.

I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed a plate and piled two biscuits covered in gravy on top.

“Do you have any plans today? Going out with one of your girlfriends?” Riley wasn’t really a player, but he definitely had multiple girls that liked him and that he was often hanging out with. He’s constantly telling me that they are just his friends.

“Nah, I think I’m just going to invite some of the boys over and we can play video games.”

I nodded, but before I could reply, the doorbell rang. I looked at my watch. It was already that time.

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