Meet Me at the Mound Novel Update

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Hi everyone! Great news!

I just uploaded a new story, called Meet Me at the Mound - The Novel. You can find it on my profile. I'm very excited to continue with Olivia and Josh's story.

It will start before this one does and continue after this one finishes. It will be slightly different since I'm introducing all the characters early. Also, it will talk more about Olivia's past and some of the struggles she went through and is currently going through. Don't worry though, there will still be plenty of adorable moments between Olivia and Josh. New moments that will make you "awe" all over again.

I hope you decide to take a look at the first chapter that is uploaded currently, I'd love to hear from all of you! Vote, comment, and tell me what you think of the first chapter!

Thanks again for all your support. I appreciate each and every one of you!

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