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The Absolute Being was immeasurably powerful, but that power came with even larger drawbacks. Though it may appear as if he is ever-lasting, the power of all Higher Beings in a single entity would pose a great danger to his very existence. And he was no fool. He was a being with infinite amounts of knowledge, his mind able to find millions upon millions of outcomes for a single action. And yet, even with his extensive knowledge, only one outcome was observed: his death.

The Rulers, adorned with their unassailable armour, glowing with Mana, stepped onto the extensive, well-manicured courtyard.

The Absolute Being strode angrily into the opening, the light fully enveloping his body, intimidating the puny Rulers.

"You... daring to raise your hand against me?! YOU IMBECILES! YOU FRAGMENTS ALONE CANNOT MATCH MY POWER!"

"You created us for the sole reason of entertainment. Us "imbeciles" are carrying out the objective you programmed us with: To defeat the Monarchs, and maintain the balance of the universe." Correnic responded, raising her high-tech rifle. "We have been your puppets for too long, Being. This feud will be the last of your entertainment."

"Creations... you underestimate me. And, you overestimate yourselves. Ashborn, heed my call once more, and defeat your new enemies."

The energy beside the Absolute Being surged as space warped, Ashborn stepping through the now open Gate.

"You... dare to confront the Absolute Being?! HOW FOOLISH!" Ashborn yelled, stabbing his sword into the Mana-infused ground. "To even touch him, you must go through me."

Ashborn let out an intimidating aura, one that was almost to the level of an Original Ten Primordial. His body started glowing as his Spiritual Body manifested, Mana-reinforced armour wrapping around his body.

The armour Ashborn had on was carefully crafted, seemingly sculpted for his large frame, fitting his muscles. White accents trailed his sides, leading up to his 3 sets of massive wings. His crown-like helm was studded with rubies and sapphires, whilst three prongs jutted from the top.

The Rulers summoned their armour and weapons, steeling their nerves for the battle that decides the multiverse's fate.

"I will give one last chance. You bow to me once more, and all will be forgiven. You continue this treachery, and you will be decimated."

"We have seen your true intentions. We will never back down."

"So be it."

Seemingly teleporting, the Being drove his glowing, Mana enhanced fist into Aeic's chest, sending him through a marble pillar. With a wave of his hand, he dispersed Razar's white wall of flames and held down Grantuld with the strongest gravitational magic.

Serenia tried to land a hit on Ashborn, but he blocked it, punching her straight into the ground, sending miniature shockwaves blasting away Pulra.

"You were fools, choosing to fight me. I am all powerful!" The Being faced at Arkturk, his foot phasing straight through the hastily projected shield, ending in Arkturk barreling into Correnic.

Razar shot another wall of fire at the Being, hitting him square in the backside, stumbling him for a second.

Seeing her chance, Correnic shot her rifle at the Absolute Being, resulting in a flattened lead pellet, and a miniscule puncture wound.

The Being wiped the cut with his finger, showing only a small amount of blood. "All that... for a drop of blood... pathetic." The wound healed immediately.

Ashborn shot forward, stabbing through Pulra's bicep, rendering his left arm useless.

All the Rulers sent out their strongest attack, aligned with the Beings head. The shot seemingly hit, but as the smoke and dust cleared, a hole, no larger than a baseball, revealed itself, straight through Ashborn's chest.

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