Mania I: Virtue of Patience and the Wisdom of Time

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Mania I: Virtue of Patience and the Wisdom of Time

A/N: Welcome to the rewrite of the first true chapter. I wanted to rewrite it because, as I went along, I realized that the original's pacing was just too fast, and some of the more important details that I wanted to add had no area for me to put it without redoing the entire timeline so far.

If you guys want more info, I may or may not do a Q&A later on, so ask put thy questions here -> and I'll try to answer them all without spoiling the plot I have.

Before anything, however, I have to apologize to the people who came from FFN. I haven't been posting recently because I've been doing this on my phone. My PC is getting fixed/rebuilt cause someone (who broke into my house) thought it would be funny to dunk it in water while it was mining for Bitcoin.

Also because I'm just not gonna upload on FFN anymore. Project was right, too many toxic people.

I'm getting ever closer to taking a bath with a toaster.

Anyway, besides that, the story will be almost the same, with a few changes here and there.

Let's get started, shall we?

Somewhere in the Gap Between Dimensions:

"Awaken and become new. Become... The Primordial Monarch of the Void."

In the void that is the Gap, an emerald eye snapped open, bathing Mania in a radioactive green light. Surrounding it was a cloud of grey mist, which was slowly dispersing. Pieces of some red substance were flaking off of the skin of the new Primordial, floating away, dissolving into the same darkness that spread all around them.

Without even the slightest sound, large, dark green feathery wings slowly unfurled, flapping to shake off the flakes that covered them and disperse the cloud faster. Gusts of air blew around, forming whirlwinds of mist. It all rushed past Mania, but she was left relatively untouched, save for her hair that flew wildly around and her black dress that flapped behind.

From out of the mist came a well-toned arm, covered in a green, slow flowing glow, rising in wisps of light. Along it were scars, marks of triumph and defeat, victory and growth. Dark, purpleish-black vein-like lines ran down his arm, extending and wrapping around it. Another arm, identical in all aspects but the hand and its digits reversed, slowly pushed out the other side, flexing as it did.

As each limb extended, more and more of the being Mania had come to continuously gain entertainment from appeared, a smirk grew on her face. She was enjoying the events unfolding in front of her. It has been too long since she last saw a new, true Primordial being born in the Gap. Eons upon eons ago, it would have been quite a common sight, what with the universe's needs for balance. Every few millennia, a new True Primordial would be born, with each able to control a certain element of the universe, and inherent trait that cannot be chosen, revoked, or changed.

She was also enjoying the fact that, even though she thought she absorbed everything of the human named Izuku, the tiniest piece of him survived, slowly absorbing the void power and changing it, giving him life. And maybe that's what caused her to name him the way she did. It made sense. After all, the void does consume everything, sooner or later, just like he did to it. And since the void has an infinite supply of power, so should he, as long as he stays there, absorbing it.

That thought somewhat scared Mania, however. The fact that he can absorb any energy, like with what he did to Antares at the very end of their fight. The thought of a being that can always regain its lost energy on a whim, and the ability to turn the Void into an endless pool of Mana with just a thought. She could do the same thing, like all Primordials, but not to the level of efficiency that he had. Not even the Souls of Light and Darkness, Rulers and Monarchs, which were arguably weaker than the Primordials, could transmute energy like that.

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