Rewrite and Discontinuation

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Right, now a lot of you are wondering, "Why are you discontinuing this story?" Or, "Are you not going to write anything else about this?"

My answer? I'm stopping this version of the story because it's not at the... pace I want it to be. It's not heading in the direction I had in my head, and not as long as I was hoping it would be. Now, I'm not saying I'm just discontinuing the universe, cause there will be a rewrite, I just need a blank slate to actually do this. The first actual chapter should be up right about now, so go check that out.

To be honest with you, I was basically forcing myself to write the new chapters, and I don't want to do that, you know? When I force myself, writing just becomes a chore, and my quality just drops.

So yeah, I'm actually doing the rewrite that I told you guys I would do. Don't worry, I'm staying with the original plot and all.

I'll be updating the title to discontinued after this goes up.


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