Void Primordial

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A/N: Before I get into the posting schedule, I would like to say this: I am happy you guys are hyped for the story. I hope you guys enjoy this... writing journey as much as I will, if not even more. Again, thank you to all those people who volunteered to help me, like @Big-Chungu and @PyroSaiyan.

Now, the posting schedule. The posts I do will most likely be random, as I have school and other things to take into consideration, so please, bear with me. (I had to search up if "bear" was the correct word to use.) I'll try to post weekly, and if I'm lucky, then twice weekly.

With that aside, Chapter 2!

"Awaken and become new. Become... The Primordial Monarch of the Void."

From that shadow, an emerald green eye snapped open, illuminating the darkness.

"Primordial of the Void, welcome to the Gap Between Dimensions. I assume you already know me?"

"That... would be correct. You are... Mania, Primordial of Death, one of the Original Ten Primordials."


The familiar sound of the System message penetrated the stillness of the Gap, nostalgia of unknown origins filling Izuku's mind.

[Welcome back, Izuku Midoriya]

[Updating Player Stats]







[Update Complete]

[You have become the Shadow Monarch Primordial of the Void. All points have been absorbed into your very being, resetting your Level and Stats.]

[Your Mana and HP have been increased.]

Mana increased to 1,000,000

HP increased to 200,000

[New Skill: Active: Absolute Null: The Shadow Monarch's body had become the perfect conduit for energy and can absorb any energy no matter how potent.]

[Quest Complete: Stop the Monarch's Armies and Kill all Monarchs]

[Emergency Quest Complete: Kill the Monarch of Destruction Antares]

[You have Leveled Up!]

[You have Leveled Up!]

[You have Leveled Up!]

[You have Leveled Up!]

[You have Leveled Up!]

[You have Leveled Up!]

Izuku Midoriya:

Level: 6 (+6)

Strength: 12 (+12)

Vitality: 12 (+12)

Agility: 12 (+12)

Intelligence: 12 (+12)

Sense: 12 (+12)

[Mana: 1,061,523/1,061,523] (+6%)

[HP: 201,402/201,402] (+0.6%)

[Shadows saved: 3,124,695]

Shaking off the feeling of nostalgia, Izuku straightened out, looking at Mania.

"What do you remember, young one?"

Izuku slowly closes his eyes, racking his brain for the unclouded memories. "I remember an one-sided fight between me and Antares. Even then, the System had to remind me of the name." He looks skeptically at the System. "Why do I know what this... thing is? Why do I remember it so... vividly?"

Shadow Monarch Deku: Primordial of the VoidWhere stories live. Discover now