Chapter 1:Stares, friends and "bloody chaotic creatures".

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Aeroplane rides are HORRIBLE.

Rhea learnt that lesson on her first ride. That is, the one she took for her current mission.
She is on the way to her new temporary home with Jacob. In a car.

He is bobbing his head to the beats of the song blasting through the radio. And she is looking out of the window enjoying the beauty of the nature. The feeling of sunlight on her face, the sound of the birds' chirping, the beautiful green trees on either side of the road is just so enjoyable.


She is contemplating all the decisions she made in her life and regretting all the choices that landed her up in this situation.

She looked back at Jacob to see that he was still paying attention to the song.

The Uley and the Garroway pack were very close. Well, so close that "close" was an understatement. But they didn't join their packs due to many werewolf-ish reasons, which Rhea was too bored to pay attention to.

Suddenly, the click of a hand brought her out of her thoughts. She turned to Jacob with a raised eyebrow. He shrugged and said, "Just wanted to tell you beforehand that the school will be starting on the coming Monday. I'll be accompanying you on the first two days. I'll come visit you sometimes. And if you need something just give me, a phone-call, fire-message, a text or anything for that matter. Okay ?"

She nodded.

"Whatever. Just be there to stop me from embarrassing myself. Two days should be enough for me to get used to it...." Rhea trailed off shaking her head.

"Then with my amazing social skills, I'll make so many friends that even Abraham won't be able to count them." She completed sarcastically.

Jacob chuckled lightly. "Don't worry about that now. The topic you have to worry about is, Charlie." Jacob said turning serious.

"Ooh yeah. I was just going to ask you about that. Are there any peculiar things about his daughter. Anything that I should know?" She said waving her hands around in the air.

"Well... I have known Bella since I was a kid. And one thing I know is that, she is very clumsy." He said, his unwavering attention still on the road as he drove towards the Chief Police Officer's house.

"That's gonna be hard." Rhea remarked.

"But she was also very talented."


Jacob turned his head towards Rhea and gave a crooked smile. "She could trip on flat ground." He said. Rhea chuckled.

"So she is basically me, when I was a mundane."

"It's kind of hard to imagine you tripping around the whole area and splitting your skull open every time you fell. You've been a Shadowhunter for too long." Jacob admitted.

"I know. Anyways, Any other points to remember?"

"Umm.... She was very awkward around people. She was closed off."

"That's not gonna be hard. It's sickening to be among adolescent mundanes."

"Just act cool and normal. And fortunately for you, my dad is best buddies with Charlie." Jacob replied.

"You mean, Billy ?" She asked.


"Okay. I guess that should be fine....." She said as they neared the chief's bungalow.

Jacob stopped the car just outside the gates of the house and got out, as Rhea did the same. He took out all her luggage and kept at the door of the house. He turned to Rhea.

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