Chapter 5: Accidents, and her Vampire In a Shiny, Silver Volvo.

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Rhea groaned as she opened her eyes. A loud animal-like groan. She wanted to go back to sleep without being bothered of the mundane teaching center. But there was something strange about the morning which made her jump out of her bed. Charlie always opened her curtains in the morning instead of waking her up.

So, she walked to the window and looked outside. There was a thin layer of snow on her window sill, and the yard and the hood of her car were covered with snow. The worst part of the whole scene was that the rain from yesterday had frozen on the roads.

"Ugghh. Why me?!? Why here?!? Why this mission out of all missions in the history of missions?!?" Rhea groaned, rubbing her face with her palms.

"Who the hell are you talking to?" Isabelle asked.

"Go back to sleep Izzy."

When Rhea went downstairs, Charlie was nowhere in the house. Charlie had been quite busy, so she basically had the whole house to herself these days. She lazily trudged to the kitchen shelf and took out some cereal from the first shelf and a bottle of milk from the fridge. She placed a bowl on the table and and put the cereal and milk in the bowl.

She had zero motivation to go anywhere. It wasn't her fault. She was getting tired of humans in general. All she wanted to do was sit on her bed and sleep or eat.

She made it alive through the driveway and to her car without falling down even once.

"Now that's a big, fat lie. You fell thrice." Isabelle said.

She clung onto the side-mirror and carefully opened the door to the driver's seat.

All she could think about during the drive to school was Edward Cullen. She knew that she'd have to start avoiding him, she couldn't risk any slip-ups. But if she did start ignoring him, she could never get the things she wanted. Well that was kinda obvious, but yeah.

She distracted herself from the topic by thinking about Eric and Mike. Those two were simply hilarious to Rhea. The way they react when the other would be talking to her is just so laughable that if she weren't in front of them, she'd be rolling on the floor laughing her brains off. Stupid, mundane, teenage boys.

As she was driving, a thing she noticed was that her car seemed to have no problems driving on the ice-covered roads.

As she reached school, parked her car and got out of it, she realized why she had such less problem. She carefully walked to the back of the car, managing not to fall, and crouched down to check her tires. There were thin silver-colored chains crisscrossed in diamond shapes around them.

Charlie might have gotten up at God-knows when to put those snow-chains on her car. She suddenly felt nauseous. She wasn't used to such concerns, especially from a father. She did all her work on her own and took care of herself and the people around her.

She was still in the crouched position when she heard a not-so-distant screeching noise like tires on the road. She stood up and turned around to see what was it all about.

Out of all the faces in the parking lot, she locked eyes with Edward's shell-shocked ones. She turned her head away to see a dark blue van that was skidding, tires locked and squealing against the brakes, spinning wildly and out of control towards the back of her car. But the only thing that was stopping it from hitting the car was her.

"RHEA!! MOVE!!" Isabelle screamed.

Rhea threw herself on the ground just as it reached her. She put her hands before her and pushed it away. Her hands created a dent where she pushed it, but nevertheless, moved away. Only for five seconds. Enough time for her to move to the side.

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