7 - Comfort

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Jen and Jeff were also friends with my other cousin Lance and Dianne, as we are also neighbors

I never thought Jen still approached to me after all what happen..

"Thank you Jen.. For still being nice ?.. even tho--- "

"Oh drama. Ofcourse! come on now"

"Is Joy gonna come too?.. " i ask

"Oh.. i forgot to tell her. But some other time maybe.. come on lets go!"

From there! We went to the beach nearby in our house, out of plan and we did have fun..

We laughed, we took funny pictures in Jen's camera and even harvest coconut by the beach..

Lance were so good at climbing coconut trees.

But it was more funnier when Jeff try to climb tho but fell of instead.

He did not break a bone, he's just super gayish i must say.

I just felt happy that time.. i'm so thankful that God send this kind of people in my life from this moment.

(I can't even remember we did this unplanned beach trip in my past.. God really did made me relax for a while in this distress impossible came possible scenario )

Fast forward to Monday

Its monday again and we're now required to wear our school uniforms..

"Just like the old times.. " i whispered

Jen and I went to school together ride the bus 6:45 in the morning.

Yeah.. so early but still a crowded day with still a lot of passengers ..

We didn't get a chance to sit so we just stand along the hallway holding the stainless pole of the bus.

I look around


i saw this man wearing a black mask with a black cap who keeps staring at me.

We just made an eye to eye contact for like 10 seconds

"He seems familiar"

We reached at the bus stop.. A woman carrying a big hand bag enters the bus followed by other passengers

"Kim!!" Jen shouted at me in the street,

Oh I forgot.

We already arrived in school!!

I decided to go back to school.

After all what happened between me and Chris.. I don't care..

I'm now braver than ever. Who is Chris by the way? Besides i'm in the school compound. What else could happened .?

Jen and i enter the gates.
Surprisingly i saw this PERVERT early in the MORNING ! !


I don't know what i felt that time..
Chills in my bones as i saw his face again

I screamed in my head saying


"Hi Christof!" Jen greeted him 😒

"Hi Kim!.. so.. I heard you got sick, i was so worried you know you didn't even respond to my call"

"Yeah, i don't respond to your call because i'm so done with you!! i wish to kill you Chris" i walked out with a wrenched in my hand..

I want to punch Chris on his face..

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