10 - Suspension

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"Great job.. What's your name? Joy? Wonderful !! " Ron said to Joy

"I'm sorry guys.. " Joy start to weep, sat on the floor and cry..

"sooorrryyy.." she just sobbed i felt her

"Hey.. Don't blame yourself.. no one knew this would happen though. You just defended your best friend.. and Joy you know what?? that's the coolest thing you ever did.."

"Reaaally? " Joy glance at me.


I also apologized to Joy for believing Sophia a stranger than her whose my best friend for a long time.. I held her up and we hugged apologizing at each other..

"Cool? What cool? You give us a bad record in this school! Thanks by the way!... Hey!! We're also suspended.. Are you not sorry for us?"
Ron pointing fingers on Joy

"Well, i don't even know you and why  you're in there! Who told you to get in by the way!?"  Joy shouted at Ron

"You?!--- Him!!--- " Ron glancing both Joy and John

"I didn't tell you.." John said

"Okay, no one. But its still your fault Joy not bringing me Joy! "

Ron walked out

"Don't worry about him.. Its our choice by the way to get in to your room, and.. uhmm.. i don't also know this school is unfair to students, its there fault not ours. Besides, we know the truth. " John said then smiled..

What the heck..

What did i just saw today ?

I cannot believe what i just saw today

A calm John in front of me?


He's not like this when i met him..

I really felt sad thinking what made him turn into a pessimist guy that i knew versus this happy and calm younger John in front of me.

I never knew he were like this in his highschool..

"Joy, Kim.. i'm sorry what happened.. i will just exempt you in class.. but the good news is, you can all go home now.. " Its Prof. Andy our Class Adviser.

Ron is back again bringing John's bag saying :
"What's the good news with that??
I brought your bag John, come on. This school is non-sense"
Throws the bag to John.

"But you can't argue with that Mr. Suarez, you're enrolled in here. I'll go ahead now.." Prof. Andy said

"Don't worry bro.. 5 days vacation imagine that.. its not suspension.. its a vacation" John convinced Ron while patting his shoulders.

"Why don't we have fun instead of being sad.. wanna swim at the Morella Beach nearby??.." John added

"I'll just get my bag" i said
"Wait.. you'll go with them?" Joy said
"Yeah we'll go with them.. "
"We?? We don't know them Kim.. "
"Joy, its John my---- "

(crap i'm about to say my boyfriend! )

"My friend.. " i said
"Its okay if you don't go we're so fine without you.." Ron said
"Who said we won't go?? Come on let's have fun!! " Joy teases Ron
"Oh great.. just a second ago you said you won't go??" Ron said
"Did i say i won't go??.." Joy responded

Let's leave it up there..

So, We went to the lockers area, get our bags and walked towards Morella Beach.

Its about 20 meters away from school..

Its an airy afternoon with no sun.
I think its about to rain, but its a perfect weather for a beach i must say..

After a minute of walk , we finally see the signage at the road ..

"Welcome to Morella Beach"

The beach is 10 meters away from the road, we got there by less than 5 minutes..

We enter the narrow path thru the beach field with tall grass along side..

The smell of the sea air breeze delights me.. i can already see the wide seashore field with only pure thick yellowish sand..

We gather under the Big Oak Tree.

Ron and John take their uniforms off, polo and slacks

"Great! We went to the beach with no suit, how can we swim in this Kim? Swim with our uniforms? " Joy said

"I told you to not come.. " Ron replied

"Oh.. not to worry Kim!  I want to swim so.."

Joy take off her skirt and blouse.. everybody's shocked what she did,

John quench his face, and i just smirk,

Ron's eyes got wide open in Joy's hot two piece with her only bra and panty..

"Yow!! Put your clothes on! You're so Yuck!" Ron insisted handing Joy's uniform

Joy throw it into Ron's face.

"Its a beach Ron! I'm gonna swim"

Joy run towards the beach all of excitement..

"Kim come on!! " Joy calling me

I don't know what to do.. i never imagine Joy could be this confident to take off her clothes.

The old Kim is still in me..

Typical SHY, NO CONFIDENCE enough and NOT OUTGOING to anything..

"You'll gonna swim?" John said to me
"I don't want.. to.. ahmm,, you know ,, wear bikini in public? Hehe"
(with a matching fake laugh.)

"Its okay just wear my shirt. I have extra here in my bag?"

(He's bringing an extra shirt again?)

"Oh---..  okay.."  i said

He handed me his shirt.. again..

"Okay, just turn around." John said
"Dude what's wrong with her?" Ron said; John pinch him. "Awwch"

"Okay.. suit yourself.. " John said to me while grabbing Ron towards the beach running..

I really appreciate John's respect to me.

I changed behind the Oak Tree on his shirt with my.. ofcourse shorts, i wear them under my skirt all the time..

I rushed to the beach..


It stirs me up as i noticed a sound of a girl asking help alongside.

I try to find who it was.. i listen carefully.. but the waves are interfering the sound.

John get off the water and stood by me

"You hear that?" He said to me
"I think.. Somebody's drowning?.."
"Come quick! up to the cliff .."

John spotted the cliff nearside. The cliff said to have a deep water beneath. Maybe someone is in there..

John and i rushed to the very edge of the cliff staring down in bewilderment at the height we saw a girl swept out by the harsh sea waves.

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