Chapter 15: LOVEI A GURL?!

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The teenagers finally made it out of the castle grounds and into the village. The villagers glanced at Alexandra. They opened their mouths before closing it shaking their heads and carried on working. Sylvynir and Emilia smirked at Alexandra who snickered. They continued walking towards the forest until this bulky man approached them.

"Hello," he greeted them in his surprisingly squeaky girl voice.

"Er, hi?" Hydra arched her brow at him. The bulk man blushed beckoning the teenagers into a shaded area.

"This is getting shady," Emilia commented looking around the shaded area. Fox purred as she patted his head. 

"Do you live here?" Alexandra asked. The bulk man shook his head.

"Then where do you live?" Emeral questioned. The bulk man beamed cheesily.

"I live with my parents," he answered. The teenagers raised a brow.

"Where does your parents live?" Fox demanded. The bulk man sighed dreamily staring at Fox who immediately hid behind Emilia whining.

"With me," the bulk man replied proudly. The teenagers shook their heads glancing at Emilia and smirked at her. The bulk man was just like Emilia. 

"Where does your family live?" Sylvynir inquired. The man let out a gasp of awe at Sylvynir's eyes.

"In our house," he responded. Angelique and Jaden frowned. Their patience level was getting low.

"AND WHERE is your house?" Angelique queried. The man giggled lightly.

"YOU would never believe what I would say," he sang. Jaden crossed his arms.

"Where. We'll just believe you," Jaden responded. The man grinned.

"Next to my neighbour's house," he whispered. Jaden and Angelique bared their fangs at annoyance with his answer as the others laughed. The man let out a girly high-pitch shriek holding his hands to his chest. That made the others laugh even harder that they fell onto the floor. Jaden and Angelique stopped baring their fangs staring at the others laughing their faces off. 

"I think that's enough," Hydra slapped her knee. The others nodded getting off the floor.

"Ok. What do you need to talk to us about?" Emilia tilted her head cutely at the man who squealed.

"You are a cute PUPPY!" he squeaked excitedly. Fox pouted tugging at Emilia's loose strand of hair. 

"Dayuum. That was hilarious," Alexandra smirked crossing her arms. 

"What's your name?" Emeral asked. The man giggled again.

"My name is Lovei," he squeaked. The girls' mouth dropped open and the boys shook their heads.

"Dang. That is a hu-good name," Sylvynir laughed nervously. Alexandra smiled warmly at Lovei.

"What do you want?" she asked. Lovei stared at Alexandra with wide eyes.

"I think I'm lazy. What exercise should I do?" Lovei asked. The teenagers glanced at each other with confusion.

"I KNOW!! DIDDLY-SQUATS!" Emilia exclaimed. Lovei stared at her in confusion.

"What is that?" he asked. Emilia shrugged. Lovei lit up. He grabbed a tissue showing it to Emilia.

"How do you make a tissue dance?" he questioned. Emilia rolled her eyes.

"Put a little boogie in it," she replied. Before her eyes widened.

"DON'T DO IT!" she exclaimed. Lovei smirked. 

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