Chapter 21: EPILOGUE

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Dull clinks echoed around the silent village which was torn apart from the war. The supernatural rubbed their forehead tiredly. Corpses of dead villains and hunters laid all over the ground. Fire bloomed as a heavy smell of flesh rippled through the air. Jasmine covered her mouth in horror as she watch people carry beds with dead people in it covered with blanket... the poor helpless people who lived in some the kidnapped villages. She covered her face crying. Her husband approached her hugging her from behind.

"It's alright," he whispered. Meanwhile, Rose stared at her two sons who stared blankly at their dead father's body.

"Silas and Fred," she hummed. Her two sons lifted their heads and stared blankly at her.

"I must say. That the two of you has grown immensely," she smiled softly but her eyes told another story. She turned to her lover who stared at them curiously. 

"We need to go.." their mother trailed off. Silas snapped his head towards her bemused.

"Excuse me? You left us since we were young. Come back and live where the villains used to live. We can renovate it," he replied. Rose smiled nodding slightly before sighing and rubbing her face.

"This war has finally ended, my children. But, the world still is not safe," she gestured around her. Many people hurried off grabbing their children protectively. The Earth was dull and cold.

"What happened then?" Fred asked.

"Someone stole the Earth's tears.. the Earth tears we call it as the Golden Goblet of Blue Blood," Alexandra appeared with her friends, luckily in one piece.

"WHAT?!" Fred gasped. The friends nodded gloomily. Francis suddenly appeared seeming to have heard the problem.

"True, true," he nodded. Leander and Everett popped out of nowhere agreeing.

"Wow, what's with these popping till you can't stop without topping?" Emilia wondered out loud. Francis laughed staring at her silently and addressed Fox who seeming to have half dozed off onto her.

"But.. can't these Chosen Ones find the tears and recover the world?" Fred asked frowning. The Chosen Ones shook their heads.

"Sorry, but have you heard of the Prophecy called 'Bringing Both Worlds Together'?" Emeral chirped. Silas and his brother shook their heads. The others craned in to hear more.

"The prophecy is related to the one we found before. One of the lines of the prophecy has not been completed. It says 'Others who turn the light shall be seen' From what I know. That's not us. We need to rest from our life already.. we're tired. Don't you know? We've been running since 5 years ago. It's been so long. Someone will complete the last line of the prophecy.. but there's also another prophecy that they are going to complete," Alexandra spoke. Hydra nodded at Emeral who smiled faintly before letting her eyes glow brightly.

"Stolen were found,

Tears were taken,

Earth who stood round and bold,

Was never to be the same,

One who glows,

Can revive the change,

Yet, to wait,

Shielded becomes risked,

Hurry to rise,

Before the sacred place dies." Emeral finished. The others who listened let their eyes widen. Suddenly, a happy shriek ruined the atmosphere. The group whirled around to find Lovei running towards two children.

"THANKK YOUUU CHOSEN ONES!!! YOU FOUND MY NIECE AND NEPHEW!! THEIR CURSE IS GONE!!" he squealed squeezing his two last family into a tight hug. The teenagers smiled knowingly. 

"Okay.. about the prophecy. Someone will answer it?" Leander queried. Everett smacked the back of his head.

"Of course, lion," she smirked. Silas and Fred laughed whilst Francis smiled. The others snickered.

"Let's hope, they answer soon rather than 100 years later," Sylvynir laughed. The group laughed before disbanding to their own business. 

Unknown POV

I grinned maliciously staring at the goblet in my hands.

"Finally," I whispered menacingly. Once I have collected all the most powerful things in the world. I will become the most powerfullest wizard ever to be alive. I cackled proudly. 

"But, would someone come after me?" I wondered out loud frowning unhappily. 

"Ugh. Whatever," I muttered placing the goblet carefully into one of my huge drawers.

"I'm sure no one will find it- ow, ow, ow. Crap," I cursed rubbing my wound on my fingers. 

"Stupid, tears," I scowled at the goblet which seemed to glint cheekily at me.

"There's no time to play," I growled ferociously. Slamming my drawer shut, I peered outside of my window. Horses and chariots rolled past. I huffed brushing past a stone statue in my room and sat on my bed grumpily. 

"What should I do now?" I mumbled screaming inside my head. A sudden throbbing pain slammed into me. I groaned and clutched my head. This has been happening a lot. Probably, because I'm a villain. Lol. The last villain. Scary.

"Master.." a weak voice spoke shakily.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I roared turning towards my door where the slave is outside. I could feel its flinch. 

"Someone is here for you," the slave trembled.

"What?" I snapped grumpily. 

"Exactly," I hear the slave whisper under its breath. You might be wondering why I'm saying 'it'. It is because they are weak and useless to be addressed as he or she.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" I shouted angrily. 

"N-nothing," it stuttered.

"Great," I hissed slamming the door open to see the slave standing outside trembling.

"Who is here for me?" I demanded. The slave winced shivering.

"It's the Lord," it answered. I growled shoving the slave out of my way and stormed towards the door of the house.

"Ah. It's wonderful to see you," a boy leant on the door's frame smiling lazily at me.

"Who the heck are you?" I snarled. The boy grinned cheekily.

"I'm Silas. The Lord's trusty advisor," he replied.

"And.. who's the Lord?" I raised a brow. Silas smirked.

"My uncle," 

"Oh.." I trailed off glancing around.

"Well.. why'd he send you here then? Shouldn't he be here?" I asked suspiciously.

"The Lord is busy currently so he sent me here," Silas answered. Oh, that sneaky slave. How dare it lie to me! I thought bitterly.

"Well then. Come in," I beckoned the teenager inside. He wandered in carelessly glancing around with interest.

"Well?" I wondered heading towards my office. Silas twitched and glanced at my bedroom before hurrying beside me. He shrugged before handing me a paperwork and disappeared.

"This is really suspicious. I gotta keep my goblet safe," I whispered lowly.


Hey. The end has arrived! It is time. I spent so long on this book. Lol. But finally, it has ended. The next and last book will be coming out soon! It's called 'Bringing Both Worlds Together'. Hope you enjoy! Cheers.

1124 words.

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