17: Slow Dancing

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Happy update<3

This is what I think Hadley's room would kind of look like for later in the chapter :)

ALSO I HIGHLY recommend listening to the songs when the get brought up, it really sets the mood!!




Hadley POV

There was no way I was seeing this, Harry standing at my door high off his ass on God knows what, and a half naked David greeting him. I make solid eye contact with Harry before he turns around and storms off.

"Harry wait!" I rush past David and go after Harry, wearing just a baggy hoodie and shorts.

"Harry," I say his name louder and grab his wrist.

"You're sleeping with that dick?" His eyes look dark, I am so confused.

"What?" I shake my head. "Why are you upset about that?" I furrow my brows.

"Because he's a dick, that's why," he crosses his arms.

"Ok well you told me that I was too clingy, I took that as a sign that you didn't want me," I explain.

He stops and just stares at me, what is his deal. Last weekend at the bonfire he told me that I was too clingy, then he told me earlier that he didn't hate me like I thought he did but now he's just being an outright dick.

"Harry," I wave my hand in front of him. "Why are you here?"

"Just forget it, go back to preppy," he shakes his head and goes to turn around.

"No, you clearly went out of your way to get my address and drive here so what the hell is your deal?" I say sternly.

"I came to apologize for being an ass," he says with his back to me.

Harry Styles, the bad man on campus came to apologize for being an ass? Am I in some alternate universe?

"Oh," is all I can say.

"Yeah, but you have other things to uh... Do," he clears his throat and barely turns so I can see his side profile.

"Hold on," I turn around to see David standing in the doorway. "Are you high?" I turn back to Harry.

"Maybe," he whispers.

"On what?" I cross my arms. He drove here like this, but I don't want him driving angry and high.

"I did a line of coke with Tahleea," he sighs.

"Jesus Harry," I put my head in my hands.

"I'm sorry," he whines.

"You aren't driving, give me your keys," I demand.

"Hadley, I am fine," he shakes his head.

"No Harry, you're not 'fine' you're hopped up on coke," I scold.

I knew Harry did coke. I just didn't know he did it in his free time. I don't want him driving home in the dark while he's all pissed off and shit, that's an accident waiting to happen.

"Give me your keys Harry," I speak again, hearing him sigh in defeat.

"Fine," he turns around and places the keys in my hand.

"Let's go," I grab his wrist and drag him to the house.

When I get up to the steps, I send him inside alone and then stand next to David who has a hoodie on now with his shorts.

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