22: Viva Las Vegas!

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REMEMBER what happens in Vegas STAYS in Vegas;)

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Hadley POV:

I blink my eyes open when I hear Harry call my name. Once I adjust my vision a bit I see the sky is a beautiful shade of pink and orange, a stunning sunset. As I look in front of me I see all the lights on the buildings twinkling, I think I'm in love.

"Welcome to Vegas," Harry says in a monotone voice, I think he's still heated from our argument earlier.

"Are you still pissy?" I ask.

"I was never pissy, you were the pissy one," he denies.

I roll my eyes and choose to keep my mouth shut. I watch as Harry pulls up to the valet parking at the hotel, this hotel was pretty nice. I've never traveled anywhere without my family so this is going to be something completely new for me. A middle aged man walks up to my door and opens it for me while another talks to Harry about the car and stuff.

"Thank you," I smile as I step out of the car.

"My pleasure," he smiles back softly.

I look over my shoulder and see Harry grabbing his bags out of the trunk. I see him pull out what looks like a hundred different bags. I walk over to the back and look over his shoulder.

"Why do you have so many bags?" I question.

"Remember when I told you to drop it?" He says in a snarky tone.

I stand silent behind him, why is he such an asshole. I hear the sound of more car doors shutting, turning to see the rest of the group pulling up. I walk over to my car and am happy to see that Liam got it here in one piece.

"Hey good looking, why do you seem so angry?" Kendall furrows her brows.

"Harry is a prick," I mumble and walk to get my bags from the trunk.

"You're just now finding this out?" I hear Niall snicker from behind me.

"Not helping," I say as I pull my two bags out.

We all walk off after the cars are taken to be parked. I walk with Kendall into the lobby of the hotel and am instantly overwhelmed with the amount of noise that is being carried through the area. I see all the slot machines and people walking around with drinks in their hands, making me really wanna get wasted right now.

"We got two suites right next to each other so Hadley and Kendall will be in one while us guys will be in the other," Harry explains.

"Great," I speak.

"Is there a problem with that?" Harry turns to me.

"H calm down for fucks sake," Niall wacks Harry in the back of the head and earns a wicked glare from him.

I've never been so tired in my entire life. All I want is to get into our room and sleep. I woke up a few times during the trip to go into a gas station to pee and or get snacks but that whole drive was tiring.

"We can have a party at our suite tonight and then you girls can have a free day to do whatever your littler bitter heart's desire." He glares in my direction.


"Woah, fisty much?" Niall sucks in a sharp breath at the remark.

"At least I don't have small dick energy." I shoot back.

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