The end (23)

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The tension that was build was strong, it could've electrocuted the whole forest. Dust and leaves were flying around, dropping onto the floor. It's been years, almost centuries, when they had their last battle. Centuries when they last stood infront of each other, the enrinye, Alecto, in god form standing feet apart from a blood red cloud, Afana in his form of a lost soul. Both of them had their own army, dozens of angels, their wings were spread and showed readiness for war. Behind Afana were plenty others like him, pitch black, hiding the true soul in the form. The fight started when Alecto and Afana ran towards each other. People died, souls burned and angels fell but at the end Alecto won. Her power got stronger and stronger, the anger around her got louder and louder. The angels knew that they had to do something, so they took her her control. With the help of Raphael they managed to take her body, leaving her as the spirit she is. Her only way to be stabilized was by taking a body. The Mark of Alecto arised. But now, the fight started all over again, Afana with his demons and Alecto in his host.

The crew was standing in the back, watching the scenery infront of them. Even the demons where fascinated by what was happening. It was a mixed combat sword fight. The loud sound that appeared when the two blades banged at each other could be heard in the whole forest. Everytime one of them was hit, either red smoke or green light emitted from them. It was dark, but the whole area was lit, wind brushing through their hair and sweat dripping from their foreheads.

The others first intervened when they saw demons running towards y/n, trying to help their leader. It was a loud up and down, every ten seconds groans from the boys could be heard and a bright orange light shined through the eyes of the dying bodies.

Only a few more demons were left and jack finally had the idea to use his powers against them. Some of them gave their life and the life of the body their were possessing for the protection of Afana, others just left in fear of being killed by the nephilim.
However, jack didn't use his powers against Afana because him and y/n were to close to eachother and he couldn't risk hurting her, so they watched as red and green light flashed Infront of their eyes, thinking about a backup plan.

"What should we do?" Jack panicked.

"Come on" Dean tried to lead them towards the fight to help y/n.

Y/n saw through the side of her eyes that four bodies approached them.
"Don't you dare come close" she yelled out as she turned around.

She was distracted.

It was one single kick that brought y/n to the ground, making the boys stop in their tracks. She was kneeling with her right leg, her left leg in an unhealthy position right after several bones were broken. Afana stood behind her, his hand sliding around her throat as he pulled it up to her chin, leaving free space below his hand. The cold dagger sent shivers down her spine as she felt it touching her skin.

"Look at you darling, I guess this ends here." He smiled, y/n could see that jack was ready to use his powers on him, but his guts told him not to.

"Jack! Do it!" Dean yelled.

"No, no wait," he turned to them, "I am still somehow connected to y/n." He looked the girl in the face, her eyes were shut, not like she was afraid, but she was preparing herself.

Afana already took a swing to stab her in the throat, when Y/n's eyes ripped open, being a stronger green than they have ever been before. She lifted her arms, completely ignoring the reflecting blade that approached her neck.

"Lie down!" Jack yelled and the boys immediately reacted, falling on their stomachs.

The gesture did not go unnoticed by Afana.
"What is happening?-"

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