The dream life (22)

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"So what do you remember?" Dean questioned her.

"Guys this prank is not funny." She responded slightly pissed.

"We are not joking y/n" jack took her hand in his.
They were all in a free room now after she slept in there a little.

"So?" Dean was sitting on the chair that was next to the bed.

"I met you guys while we were hunting the same thing guys broke into my motel room and kind off kept me as a hostage in there. My best friend went all crazy on us and when I killed her I was sent into purgatory" there was a little pause "and then I was in your bunker out of nowhere. Uh, Afana came back from hell, planning to take over the world, he dissapeared and didn't return anymore. Which is really good if you ask me."

The boys looked at each other, worried.

"A demon told us that Afana was back in his cell and then we all went on a hunt together. And after we saved the hostage we all went to a bar with her drinking more than I thought we could." Y/n finished.

"This is all?" Dean questioned.

"Well I didn't went into detail, but that were the main things or however we could call it."

"Wait do you remember the hostage? The woman?" Sam immediately spoke.

"Are you serious? She's still here with us guys." She pointed at Margareta. "That's the woman. Margareta Abela"

Margareta nodded, not sure how she should respond to that.

"Okay Love, the boys and I will make you a cup of tea. Close your eyes and rest completely, you need to sleep away that hangover." Sam, Dean, Castiel and Jack looked at her confused but still followed her into the kitchen.

She walked over to the water cooker and filled it up.
When she grabbed tea out of the shelf and picked a basic white cup, the silence in the room was loud. The weird tension mirrored their confusion perfectly.

The boys gave each other a look until Castiel decided to empty his mind. "So can you tell us what happened to her?"

"I told you already sweetheart. She only remembers her dream life. I think that if we make her remember what she did, she will turn angry again. Maybe. I am not sure but I honestly don't wanna test this theory."

"Okay cool cool. But seriously I need to find one thing out, we have done something what pissed her off. I mean deep inside herself we did something which made her have anger towards us an I really need to know what we did." Dean complained.

Sam and the other nodded along.

"Dean darling, I understand but if we do this, we have to tell her what she did. And I am honest, if you guys want to tell her, we should prepare for this."


Y/n was sitting in an armchair in the library, reading a book about witchcraft and wizardry that she found. She was so deeply invested in this book, that she didn't realize that the boys were approaching her. She finally looked over the pages as she finally noticed them.

"Oh hey guys. You have so many books and the only one I've seen reading was Sam" she laughed.

"Alright." Dean nodded his head, dumb founded, and walked behind Sam.

"Hey y/n we need to show you something."

"Right now?" Y/n was confused.

"Right now." Castiel answered her. Y/n finally got up and followed Sam the crew into a room where they all suddenly stopped. She was still standing behind them.

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