Caught (5)

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Y/n 's POV

Two days passed after the little argument I had with Sam and Dean and I managed to find the demon who did this. Or should I say demons. It was a whole group, 16 in total. How unusual.

It was 10 pm on a weekday afternoon when I walked up to that abandoned house, where the demons found home. I heard screams from the inside and saw bright yellowish light.

I ran inside, only to see four men who were flying around the room because a demon used power on them and a few bodies on the ground. I also know the younger guy who didn't really interact with the demons, it's like they were trying to avoid him. I didn't bother to help them because it looked like they had everything under control.

So I walked out to my car, ready to leave this state.


Dean, Cas, Jack and I finally found the home of the demons after this girl addina kicked us out of Susies house, if that's her real name.

We crept up into the living room where a woman was sitting all by herself. Her hair was blonde, she was the bartender in the bar we were before coming here.

She heard us and screamed to inform her buddies that we arrived. Cas appeared behind her and her body fell on the ground. I wanted to turn around before I noticed a punch flying right toward my face.

We kept fighting until I noticed that someone was staring at us.

After all the demons left, died or just disappeared, I told dean about who I saw just a minute ago and we rushed outside only to see an Audi avant leaving the driveway.

We jumped into the impala and followed the car to a motel not far from the abandoned house.

Y/n's POV

I arrived at my cheap motel. Opened the door, dropped my keys on the table right next to it and kicked off my shoes. I waddled all the way to the bathroom and turned on hot water while taking off my clothes. Heat. Finally I can relax.

My arm was still injured with the deep cuts, that the werewolves left on me and it burned when warm water drops touched the wound.

I am not used to take long showers, that's one thing this job brings up, short showers. I putted on some pj shorts and a sports bra, the only two items I could find that weren't worn or uncomfortable until I heard four men whisper behind my motel room door for a few seconds before one guy hushed and knocked.

I walked to the door while drying my hair with a towel.
"What do you want? It's 1 am". My eyes wandered up from the feet of four men into their eyes. I couldn't believe my eyes. Them.

I raised my left eyebrow and smashed the door shut right I fromt of their faces. I catched how one man grumbled "did she just shu- Sam could you please?"

It was quite for a few seconds, I thought they were gone so I just sat down on my bed and kept drying my hair until I heard how my door was picked, but it was to late. 4 men came into my room, Sam and Dean wth a young guy and another one in a trench coat. Great, I'm stuck.

I got up and dropped the towel.

They all just stared at me for a few seconds, I am not wearing a lot right now what makes this even more akward.

"You literally broke into my room! What the fuck"

"Hey watch your mouth!" Dean yelled.

"Okay. Why didn't you just ask?" I smiled a little. My eyebrows raised while I checked all of them out. "Who are your two friends?" Sam looked at me.

"This is jack and that's Castiel" mentioned Sam while pointing at each of them.

"Castiel as in the-"

Castiel made a step toward me "yes".

"Great.... Thanks for introducing your friends and for picking my door but can I please have some privacy now?" I said while I threw myself back on the bed. I know I have a gun under my pillow so I slowly leaned towards it, grabing it while hoping that no one notices. I sat back up, hiding the cold grey gun in the back of my shorts, when Sam started to talk.

"Can you please tell us who you really are? We figured that you are a hunter but we never heard of you" Sam sat down on the chair next to my bed while dean leaned at the table. Jack and Cas just stood in the middle of the room.

I looked at all of them who just kept eyeing me so I finally spoke a few words. "Well Sam, I told you already I am-"

"Adina yeah we know but we don't believe you."

"I'm not lying!"

Cas tilted his head while coming really close to me and noted "she's lying"

I noticed how all of their face expressions changed. I carefully look at all of them when I saw that Sam pushed his eyebrows together.

"Ugh okay I am y/n" I rolled my eyes.

Dean squinted his eyes, " and your last name?"

"What's your last name?"

"I asked first"

"And I asked second"

Sam interrupted "Winchester" while giving dean a look.

Sam and Dean Winchester. How much bad luck can a person have.

"Okay I am-" I pulled my gun and pointed it at Sam. He stood up and walked towards dean with his hand up in the air. So were deans and jacks hands. Damn I didn't notice how tall they all are. But where's Cas?

" y/n come on and put that gun down" Sam hissed.

"I would love to but I can't do this sam."
After the last word I heard someone breathing behind me and I slowly lowered my gun. I know exactly what is going to happen now. My face expression turned into a defeated expression before I slowly moved my head.
Cas touched my shoulder with two of his fingers and I felt how every muscle in my body got tired as my knees hit the ground. I passed out.


I slowly opened my eyes. this happened once and I can't stand it. I swapped the room and saw two men standing around me. The other two guys were leaning at the table and sitting on my bed. There was this ringing in my ear. It took me a few seconds until I realized that I was sitting on the motel rooms chair with my hands tied together.

"So now we have enough time to chat."

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