First meeting (18)

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Y/n, San, Dean, Jack and Castiel were standing in the forest, Staring at the demons infront of them.
All their eyes were as black as the night sky. It got quite, the wind was whistling through the leaves, cold air going through their hair. And then, there was Afana.

„y/n, Long time no See"

„Why are you back?" y/n immediately but calmly asked.

„You know, this world is so pathetic. I wasn't really alive. But now I am back and this world can finally have the leader they deserve. Only ruling hell is not satisfying."
Hell has a new ruler?
Their faces frowned when they heard the last sentence.

„You rule hell?" Sam wondered. Normally they would always know who is trying to be the next king or queen.

„Of course i am Samuel. Crowley messed up the system and I am here to make it better again."

"Of course I didn't plan on doing this alone" his blank eyes eyed each one of them, when his eyes locked with jacks.

"Jack, come with me and we can rule the world together, the place you belong to, is with us."

"Well that's not happening." Dean interrupted them.

"You either come with us or I am going to kill your family. This or that."
He counted on his fingers "Samuel and Dean Winchester and Castiel. Your 'dads'" he chuckled at their names "and this hell of a girl, y/n,"
his eyes moved over to her "I can feel immense power from her. A power she can't control am I right? You have a little anger issues?"

"Stop!" Jack yelled at him, forcing him to look back at him.
Sam, Dean, and Cas each lifted their angel blade, symbolizing that they are ready to fight.

"Ohhh you want to play this way? Okay well this is your choice" he smiled.

Suddenly y/n dropped her angel blade. The boys looked over to her, wondering why she got rid of her only weapon. Even the demons weren't sure what was going on but Afana knew.

After a few seconds y/n started to talk again. Her voice was different, colder. Her head lifted a little more with every word that came out of her mouth until the boys finally had eye contact with her.

"Common ney, this dude can't kill you. Afana is just mad that his sibling did a better job on earth than he did"

"Oh hello you. I guess you are the second personality of y/n." Afana mouthed 'lovely' at her
"We met didn't we"

"Shut up"

Sam and the rest stepped together "we should step back a little" he whispered.

Y/n turned around, facing the boys "I told you to go" she yelled.

The boys flinched but remained silent.

"Jack, come here boy-" before he could finish his sentence, y/n moved towards him.

"End them" Afana turned around and yelled at the other demons, before Afana dissapeared in the dim light. They were too may of them the others thought, but before they could say anything, orange and yellow light flashed repeatedly infront of them.

Y/n was moving smoothly, killing each demon and its vessel in only a few seconds.

"Oh common don't look at me like that. I just saved your ass but don't think I want you alive." She pointed with her finger at the others "first it's Afana, then you"

"Y/n can you hear us?" Castiel asked Alecto y/n.

"Well Cas she's not home right now try again later" she smirked at him.

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