First mission with a bang .

728 11 1

"A/N this story has bad language, abuse , Violence and death also Just a heads up This is not following any specific story , I am just nit picking and putting a story together so nothing is going to be just like the games ."

"Come on F/n , hurry the hell up !" Cassie shouted playfully , I finally reached the roof of the building and begin to huff to catch my breath "Geeze , ya gonna make it star shine ?'She said mocking me . " Bite me ....*gasp* you overly fit ass ...* gasp*" I toss down the massive case she made me carry . " What the hell is in this thing ?" I ask as I go to open it . 

" Cassie .fucking really ?!" I shout as I pull out a beach chair and premade drinks . She laughs at my find " Shhh there is enough for both of us , just enjoy it . " she says playing off . I roll my eyes and walk to the edge of the roof when Cassie is standing " So ...we just wait ?" I ask , she nods and pulls out her phone . 

I sigh and go a head and hook up the rope descending apparatus incase we need a quick escape , Once done I move to the other side of the roof and stare off into the distance . I take in the darkened sky , the fires, the shouting and the creatures running amuck everywhere " Damn , When did everything get so fucked ?"I said to myself , The build then began to shake .

 I turn and see Cassie fell of the edge of the roof , I run to her side of the roof and grab one of the ropes and dive off . While in mid air I tie the rope to my waist and then grab Cassie while she was falling . Once the rope ran of out of slack it jerked us hard and slammed me into a window on the building . 

" Fuck ...that fucking hurt ." I said in pain , Cassie began to get worried " Holy shit , are you ok ?" she asked , I looked at her with a small forced smile " Yeah , peachy star shine ."  I said with a sarcastic tone .  I flip around and push off the window to build momentum and kick in the glass , once the glass broke I tossed Cassie in and swung myself in.  Once in I untie myself and stand in pain . " So That was an adventure ." I said with a laugh once the pain died down . 

"Well let's get to it I guess ." I say heading to the stairway . "Get to what ?" Cassie asked . "To find out what caused a building to shake, duh ." I said entering the stairway 

"Cassie , Cassie you there , come in !" Sonya shouted over the radio . Cassie rolls her eyes and answers " Yeah , I'm here mom ."  " Get out of there now , Erron Black boke out and is coming for F/n  . Get back to base now!" 

As I turned around a bullet grazed my cheek from the bottom of the stairs .  I rush out of the Stairs and slam the door " Tex is here!" I shout , I run to the broken window and look at the building next to us . " Cassie , we are gonna have to jump . " I tell her " Well.....shit ."  she replies 

  " You go first , I will make sure he is preoccupied." I tell her , she was about to argue when the door opened . " Go you stubborn ass !" I shout , she gives me a look and then runs and jumps , making it to the other roof . " He kid you here ?" he asked , I sigh " Depends , did your aim get any better ?" I said with a chuckle . 

" Boy you are in for a world of hurt . " He says getting closer . I then get a running start and jump out the window  , he took aim and shot my leg mid air . when I hit the roof I rolled and stood up quickly and flipped him off with the rings of two frag grenades on the middle finger. He looked at me and then back as the explosion went off sending him out of the building and smashing into the ground  dead . 

 I just begin to feel the bullet hole in my leg " OW OW OW that dick shot me !" I said dropping to the roof . "Dude , you just merc'ed  him ." she said flabbergasted , I fell back " Oh I see a light , I don't think Imma make it ." I say milking it . She laughed " Get up , it's just your bitch-itis  flaring up . "   

Shackled (Mortal Kombat x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now